





Gladys Holm was a secretary (秘书). She worked in an office all her life. Gladys made about $15,000 a year. She died when she was 86 years old. And she left a big surprise—$18 million! She gave the money to a children’s hospital.

Gladys Holm never got married or had any children. But she always liked children, and she wanted to help them. When her friend’s daughter was ill in hospital, Gladys brought her a toy bear. After that, she visited the hospital many times. Every time she visited, she brought toy bears for those children. After that, people started to call Gladys the “Toy Bear Lady”.

Gladys always gave toys and other presents to her friends but no one knew she had a lot of money. She lived in a small house outside Chicago. Everyone was very surprised when they learned that she was a millionaire. One of her friends said, “She always gave us nice presents and things, but we didn’t know she was rich.”

How did Gladys get so much money? She asked her boss how to make more money, and she listened to what he said. She bought  the stocks (股票) that he told her to buy, and she got very rich. Before she died, she talked to her friends about “giving something to the children’s hospital”. No one knew that the “something” was $18 million!

(     ) 46. Gladys Holm often visited the hospital and gave children toy bears because______.

A. she had too much money            B. she had a lot of toy bears

C. she had never got married and had no children D. she liked children very much

(     ) 47. People started to call Gladys the “Toy Bear Lady”_______.

A. after she visited the children in hospital many times    B. after she died

C. before her friend’s daughter was ill     D. before she worked with his boss

(     ) 48. Everyone was surprised that________.

A. Gladys lived such a long life   B. Gladys lived in a small house outside Chicago

C. Gladys had so much money    D. Gladys always gave her friends nice presents

(     ) 49. ________, so she got rich.

A. Gladys made $15,000 a year as a secretary B. Gladys did what the boss told her to do

C. Gladys got the money from the boss    D. Gladys did another job in the hospital

(     ) 50. When Gladys Holm became a millionaire,________.

A. she spent most of the money on nice presents and things   B. she stopped working

C. she still lived in the same way  D. she could hardly wait to tell her friends and family


Everyone has worries. How do you deal your worries? There is always something you can do to help yourself feel less worried. Sitting there worrying is no fun and it won’t solve your problems.

Grades at school are often a top worry for children. If you worry most about grades, ask  yourself these questions:

● Why are grades important? What do grades mean to me?

● How do I get ready for class? Do I go over my notes even when there isn't a test?

● Do I have a good place to do my homework?

● Have I tried different ways of studying?

If your worry is about a fight you had with your friend, you might write down all the things you could do ---- write a note to him or her, invite him or her to watch a basketball game, say sorry to him or her and so on. Once you have a list of things you could do, you can choose one thing that

could get your friend back.

You can ask for help when you're worried. You can find someone to talk to, such as your parents, friends, and teachers.


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