


A.After CCTV reported her story.

B.After she first played Erhu in a park.

C.After she became a musician.

D.After her father refused people's help.

50.Which is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Tao's family couldn't afford(承担得起)her stepmother's illness.

B.Many people wanted to help Tao Lihua and her family.

C.Tao Lihua doesn't go to school now becaus e she has to make money.

D.Tao Lihua wants to take Erhu lessons at a university in the future.


Friendship Restaurant

We have different kinds of Japanese food here.The menu is written in Japanese and Chinese.All the waiters can speak both Chinese and Japanese.Time:11:30am…10:00pm

Volunteer Project

Maybe you want to help others but don't know how to do it.Volunteer Project will help you.Call 822--5566 to join it.

Dream Corner

Do you want to improve your English? Do you want to practice your English with native(本地的)speakers? Join the Dream Comer! Come here every Friday afternoon.

Red Bird Club

Do you like dancing? Do you want to show your cool dance at parties? Join us and make your dream come true.

Call 822-333l for more information.


The Underwater World

You can see different kinds of fishes and even some kinds of sharks here.You will feel you are in the sea.It's open from 9:30am to 5:30pm every day.

51.In Friendship Restaurant, the menu is written in both _______

A.Chinese and English          B.Japanese and Chinese

C.Chinese and Indian           D.Japanese and French

52.If you want to help others, you can _______

A.go to Friendship Restaurant       B.join the Volunteer Project

C.join the Red Bird Club           D.go to Dream Comer

53.Sara likes dancing.She wants to learn more, she can call ______.

A.822-5556      B.822-3331      C.822-5566      D.822-3311

54.Tom and his friends have to finish their geography project about animals in the sea.They need some information, they can go to _______

A.Friendship Restaurant       B.Red Bird Club

C.Dream Comer        D.The Underwater World

55.If we want to practice our foreign languages, we can go to _______

A.Friendship Restaurant       B.Volunteer Project

C.Dream Comer        D.A or C



Many young people like KFC's food.

These days, in China we can see fewer people 56______(eat) in KFC restaurants when we walk past.Because some of their foods were not safe.The danger 5 7_____ (come) from Sudan I.If a person eats too much of it, he 58 ______(get) cancer.Scientists 59________ (find) Sudan I in some of KFC’s foods and asked it to  stop 60______(sell) them.Sudan I is a red dye.People use it 61_____ (colour) oils but some people put it in foods to make them 62 ______ (look) better.Now KFC restaurants 63_____(sell) those foods again after scientists found no more Sudan I.If you 64 ______(eat) some of those foods last week, don't worry.There are very little Sudan I in them.It shouldn't 65_______(be) a big problem.



A: Did you have a perfect holiday?

B: Perfect? No, it was boring!

A: Tell me more (66) a________ it.

B:I stayed at home (67) a _______ and looked after the garden.

A:Where were your parents? (68) W______ they at home?

B:No, they went to Hong Kong (69) f_______ their holiday.

A:Oh, I see.So you had to do all the things on your own.

B:Yes.But I am not good at (70)c_______.So I only ate some noodles and my stomach was always empty.

A:What a pity! I think you should get enough practice.I learned to cook (71)w______ I was seven years old.

B:Yes.I (72)t______ so.

A:Did you have to (73)w_______ your clothes?

B:Yeah, I washed them by hands because I didn't know (74)h______ to use the washing machine.

A:B:You are right.It's important for us to (75) 1____ some life skills.


More and more people are worried about A(HlN1)flu(流感). Some school even stop classes because some students have got it.What is A(H1N1)flu?

A(H1NI)flu started in Mexico in March in 2009.At first,people thought it came from pigs.So they called it swine(猪)flu.Later, they learned that it was a new virus.It mixes the viruses of bird flu,swine flu and human flu.Its name is A(H1N1).

What should we do to prevent(防止)the flu?

Wis h hands

Some germs(细菌)stay on the desk,telephone,keyboard and other things.When you touch them,germs get onto your hands。

Cover your mouth when you sneeze

Take tissues(纸巾)with you.If you sneeze onto your hands,don’t forget to wash them.

Keep away from places full of people

Try to stay at home as much as you can.

Go to a doctor

When you have a fever or breathing problems,wear a breathing mark(口罩)。If you feel like you have a cold,go to a doctor at once.

Build up your body

Playing sports is the best way to make you stronger.Remember to drink lots of water.

Don’t eat uncooked pork

Fully cooked pork is safe.A(H1Nl)virus can be killed at a temperature of 71 degrees.


76.When and where did A(H1Nl)start?


77.Why did people call A(H1N1)swine flu at first?


78.What should you do when you sneeze?


79.If you feel like you have caught a cold,what should you do?

__________________________________________ ____________________

80.How to build up your body?

_____________________________ ____________________________________



“每天锻炼一小时,健康工作五十年,幸福生活一辈子。”随着阳光体育运动在全国的开展,校园里也出现了可喜的变化:运动时间延长了,运动项目增加了,学生体质增强了,校园生活丰富了。请以Sports in our school为题给校刊写一篇报道。


●time for sports

●kinds of sports

●change of students’ health and study

●change of school life

威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的英语暑期作业初二年级第二学期,还满意吗?相信大家都会仔细阅读,加油哦!





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