




Do you want to be a TV news reporter? People often ask me    16   I love my job. Well, it’s very    17   . I’m the first to know about important news stories. I travel around the world and I talk to people. I    18    what is happening in different places. I talk to some important and famous people. I’ve talked to people in the government,    19    famous sportsmen and sportswomen and film stars.I ask people to tell me about their lives. I want to know how they   20   .

A lot of people want to work in TV news, so you have to be energetic and creative. You have to show that you can do it. You must learn how to    21     a video camera, to write reports, and to speak to the camera. What’s the best    22    to learn? Your school or college TV station is a good place to start,    23    you have to get a job!

Most people start     24    an unpaid job, so they can learn. The best place to learn is at a small station. There aren’t many people, and as a result, you get better    25   . I had an unpaid job at a small station, and one night, when everyone else was ill, I read  the news on air. I did well, and as a result, I got my first paid job!

16. A. how              B. why              C. when            D. what

17. A. angry             B. exciting           C. tiring            D. boring

18. A . try out             B. come out          C. work out          D. find out

19. A. as well as          B. in order to        C. as soon as        D. as good as

20. A. touch             B. sound             C. look              D. feel

21. A. teach             B. learn             C. use               D. make

22. A. place             B. way             C. job              D. subject

23. A. but               B. so              C. although         D. might

24. A. without           B. with             C. in               D. at

25. A. expensive         B. excise          C. adventure        D. exp erience




When you are learning English, listening, speaking and writing are important, but reading  can al so be very helpful. When you read, you can not only learn some new words, but also learn how to use these English words. When you read, it gives you a good example for writing.

Good reading tips(建议)

Try to read at the right level (水平). Read something that you can (more or less) understand. If you need to stop every three words to use a dictionary, it is not interesting.

Try to increase the number of your new words. If there are four or five new words on a page, write them in your notebook. But you don’t have to  write them while you read. Instead, try to guess their meaning as you read, mark them with a pen. Then come back when you have finished reading to look them up in a dictionary and write them in your own vocabulary book. Then try to remember them.

Try to read regularly (定期).For example, read for a short time once a day. Fifteen minutes every day is better than two hours every Sunday. Fix a time to read and keep to it. For example, you could read for fifteen minutes when you go to bed, or when you get up or at lunch time.

Read what interests you. Choose a book or a magazine that you like, because you are going to spend time and money to read it. So choose an interesting book. You can also read newspapers. There are many English newspapers in China. For example, 21st Century Teens, English Coaching Paper, etc. They are easy enough for you to understand. There is something interesting in them.


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