


学期期末考试很快完结,接下来就是假期时间,威廉希尔app 特整理了八年级下册英语暑期练习,希望能够对同学们有所帮助。


1. It is so cold. I don’t want to wait any ______________ .( long )

2. Tom spent several hours in ______________ his homework. ( do )

3. I am not used to _______________ to bed so late. ( go )

4. Why not do morning exercises ______________? ( regular)

5. Take this ____________ ( medical ), or you can’t be fine.

6. In most English names the given names come ________ ( one ).

7. At the party, they danced ___________ ( beautiful ).

8. In the past, the poor didn’t have enough money for __________ (medicine ) treatment.

9. Can you help me search some information about the __________ ( develop ) of computers on the Internet?

10. Many _______ (busy) people can speak English.


1. --Have you ever had such a pleasant time?


A. Yes. I did.                 B. No, I hadn’t.       C. Yes, I had.             D. Yes, I have.

2. He ordered the boy _______________ there.

A. to go not                 B. to not go             C. not to go               D. did not go

3. Since he came here last September, we _________ in trouble.

A. are                         B. were                  C. have been              D. has been

4. He wanted __________ help raise money ________ Project Green Hope.

A. / ; for                       B. to ; for                C. for ; for                 D. to ; to

5. He had ___________ much work to do that he couldn’t go out.

A. so                           B. such                   C. as                        D. or

6.Tom ___________ football when Mr Fat found him on the playground.

A. will play                  B. was playing         C. has played              D. plays

7.I haven’t taken an examination __________ 1992.

A. since                        B. for                      C. ago                       D. before

8. It’s so warm here. Why not _________ your coat?

A. take away                B. put on                C. put down               D. take off

9. Though it was blowing hard , __________ went on working in the field.

A. they                        B. and they             C. but they                 D. it

10. He _________ cross the street.

A. sees                        B. saw to                 C. was seen               D. was seen to

11. Most international business letters __________ in English.

A. is written                 B. are written          C. is writing               D. are writing

12. Please ________ him to the nurse there, and she’ll give him some pills.

A. carry                       B. bring                   C. let                         D. take

13. He is listening to the music _____________  she is washing clothes.

A. after                        B. before                 C. that                       D. while

14. Han Meimei is good at ______________.

A. singing and to dance                                                                B. to sing and to dance

C. to sing and dancing                                 D. singing and dancing

15. It takes _____________ time to go to Beijing by plane than by train.

A. more                       B. fewer                 C. longer                   D. less

16. If you don’t take more  ____________, you’ll get fat.

A. medicine                  B. exercises             C. exercise                 D. lessons

17. We __________ English five years ago. We _________ it for five years.

A. learned; learned                                      B. learn; have learned

C. have learned, have learned                       D. learned, have learned

18. “ It’s never too late ___________,” mother said to me.

A. learn                       B. to learn               C. learning                  D. learnt

19. —Hello, Mr. Huang!

--I’m sorry, _____________ I don’t think I know you.

A. and                         B. or                      C. but                        D. because

20. Jack _________________ his homework yet, so he won’t go out with his friends.

A. finishes                                                 B. has finished

C. doesn’t finish                                         D. hasn’t finished


1. Would you like __________ ( sing ) at the party?

2. Sorry, I kept you  ____________ ( wait ) for me so long.

3. It was difficult for him ____________  ( give ) up smoking.

4. My parents want me ____________  ( be ) a teacher.

5. They will go fishing instead of ___________ ( swim ).

6. They decided ___________ ( not tell ) him the bad news.

7. They used to ____________  ( stay ) at home on Sundays.

8. ________ your mother ___________ ( wash ) clothes yet?

9. They __________ ( read ) books when the teacher came in.

10. Computers ____________ ( sell ) almost everywhere.

11. Thanks for _____________ (invite ) me.

12. What about _____________ ( skate ) on the ice?

13. What _____________  your mother __________ ( do ) every day?

14. Kate _____________ ( not fly ) kites now.

15. Keep quiet, please. They _____________ ( have ) a meeting.


1. 我们为我们伟大的祖国而骄傲

We are _________  _________ our great country.

2. 谢谢你给我这么多苹果

Thank you for ___________  me  __________  __________ apples.

3. 这个箱子太重了,我搬不动

This box is  ___________ heavy ___________ me  ________ carry.

4. 我花了两天时间做完了我的功课

I ____________  two days ______, _______ my homework.

5. 他昨天把伞忘在公园了

He _____________  his umbrella in the park yesterday.


1. I wish I can fly to the moon one day.                   __________

2. Dr. Ma’s family had no money when he was young,

so they had to go to work instead going to school.         __________

3. My mother has been used to live in the city now.         __________

4. This will be an experience I’ll never forget.             __________

5. It’s important to listen to your teachers careful in class.    __________

6. It was too hot last night that I couldn’t sleep well.         _________

7. My parents were grateful of you for helping me.

8. Liu Ming used to the wonderful place.                  _________

9. What an interesting news he has brought to us!           _________

10. The boy was made finish reading the long text in two hours.  ________


In England, people don’t like ____1_____ very much. You can go on a bus, _____2______ on a train , and people just sit looking ____3____ the window.

Often they read, they read books and papers. But they don’t talk ____4____ .When you meet English people, they often talk about one thing, ____5____. So when you meet ___6____ inEngland, you should say, “ Nice weather ____7_____ the time of year!”

“ But it was ____8____ cold yesterday.” Someone may answer. “ Well, it will get a bit warmer later!” You can say. Talk ___9___ this, and the English will think. “ How ___10___ you are!”

(    )1. A. laughing         B. going about      C. talking                D. playing

(    )2. A. or                 B. and                 C. either                 D. but

(    )3. A. from             B. through           C. at                       D. out of

(    )4. A. much            B. a bit                C. a little                 D. sometimes

(    )5. A. the food        B. the work          C. the time               D. the weather

(    )6. A. a man           B. a woman         C. everyone            D. someone

(    )7. A. at                 B. in                    C. on                      D. for

(    )8. A. much            B. not                   C. a bit                   D. more

(    )9. A. with             B. in                    C. like                     D. for

(    )10. A. happy          B. funny              C. friendly              D. careful

七、 阅读理解

PDAs are very useful. They are like small computers. You can put a lot of information into them. For example, you can put in telephone numbers and e-mail addresses. Many people use PDAs to remember important dates. Some of these super machines can even send and receive e-mails.

PDAs are small and convenient. A few years ago, they were expensive. Now, they are cheap. Many people use them at work and at school. People can carry PDAs in their shirt pockets.

But, it’s important to be careful. These little machines are easy to lose. People put so much important information into their PDAs. It’s really terrible to lose them.

1. What is the main idea of the article?

A. PDAs are like small computers.

B. PDAs are cheap.

C. You can do many things with a PDA.

D. Too many people use PDAs

2. The article does not say a PDA can __________

A. talk to you

B. send e-mail

C. remember information

D. do some things like a computer

3. What do we learn about PDAs?

A. They are not very expensive now

B. Students do not like to use them

C. All of them can send and receive e-mails

D. They are very large.

4. What kind of person would not use a PDA?

A. A business person

B. Someone who hates computers.

C. A student

D. A person with a busy schedule.



以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家提供的八年级下册英语暑期练习,大家仔细阅读了吗?加油哦!





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