


最让我快乐的是什么?是假期,接下来看看威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的英语八年级下册暑期作业,即使在家里也能快乐的学习呀!



21.Oh, my god, I have a fever

Oh, you should_________ right now

A.see a dentist    B.take exercise    C.eat fruits   D.take some medicine

22.My mother is ill.


A.That’s all right        B.I don’t think so

C.I hope not           D.I’m sorry to hear that

23.__________yogurt do we need?    One cup

A.How many    B.How long      C.How much       D.How for

24.This supermarket is really crowded.

Yes, it has things.

A.the worst      B.the biggest    C.the nicest       D.the most expensive

25.h started raining when I left school.

A.However       B.Unluckily      C.Luckily         D.Well

26.I helped my mother clean the house yesterday_______ it’s a bit boring, it made

my mother really happy.

A.Because        B.So           C.But           D.Although

27.Who________  the souvenir?

_______Maria did.

A.is going to buy     B.bought       C.buys         D.wants to buy

28.I hear you talk about your friend,John so much._________ ?

Well, he’s a bit tall.He is always in blue.

A.Is he tall    B.What does he look like

C.How is he   D.What is he doing

29.Alice watches TV three hours a day,eats much junk food,and hardly ever exerci-

ses.So she is_________

A.outgoing      B.talented       C.serious     D.unhealthy

30.I can’t find my dictionary.Could I borrow one from you?

Sorry,    is at home.

A.mine       B.yours       C.his          D.hers


Jenny was my grandma.She came into the world in 19 18 and died in 2008.She didn’t

live to be 100 years old,___31___she had a good,long life.

She was a___32___70 years ago.She taught in Africa for many years,Then she___33___

Africa and moved to Malaysia(马来西亚).She taught English there for a few years.At that

time,people didn’t travel by___34___,so she traveled by ship.It ___35__ her three months to

go by ship from England to Malaysia in those days.In 1947,she traveled by plane for the

first time.This new transportation made traveling a lot ___36___.She didn’t stop teaching

until she was seventy-five years old.

Jenny really loved teaching and she was also good at___37___ stories.I always hear her

talk about her stories.They were very interesting,and 1 would like to listen to her when I

was___38___.It was amazing that she could remember___39___ though she was old, I think it

was because she ___40___stopped working and thinking.My grandmother was really a great


31.A.and           B.SO          C.or               D.but

32.A.teacher        B.doctor       C.nurse            D.singer

33.A.visited         B.left          C.stayed in         D.got to

34.A.plane       B.ship        C.train          D.bus

35.A.spent       B.paid        C.had           D.took

36.A.quicker      B.harder      C.worse        D.safer

37.A.writing      B.acting       C.hearing       D.telling

38.A.tired        B.old         C.free          D.thirsty

39.A.nothing     B.something    C.everything     D.nobody

40.A.always      B.usually       C.sometimes     D.never






Wang Wei likes snacks a lot.His favorite food is chocolate.He can eat a few pieces a

day.In China there are also many children like Wang Wei.They also enjoy snacks.It’s not

a good habit,because they can’t get enough nutrition(营养)from the snacks.Some Students

also like fast food,like McDonald’s Or KFC,even some grown—ups like them,too.They

think they are delicious.But eating too much is unhealthy,too.If they don’t eat more

healthy food,they may become fat.

So parents and teachers are worried about them.Health experts told students they

should have healthy eating habits.First,they must eat regular meals instead of too many

snacks,and begin with a good breakfast.Then,they should have many different kinds of

things,such as vegetables,eggs,milk and SO on.These things can offer what the body

needs.Third,they can’t drink too many sugary(含糖的)drinks or eat much fried food.

I think if they can do as the experts say,they will be healthier.


(    )46.Wang Wei likes__________ .

A.cakes       B.snacks       C.drinks          D.sugary drinks

(    )47.Many people like McDonald’s Or KFC because

A.they are cheap       B.they have enough nutrition

C.they are delicious     D.they offer what the body needs

(    )48.What should you do if you want to be healthy according to the passage(根据文章)?

①We have to eat many different kinds of food.

②We can eat fried food in KFC quite often.

③We can’t drink too many sugary drinks.

④We should have regular meals every day.

A.①②③       B.①③④      C.①②④          D.①②③④

(    )49.From the passage we know that_________ .

A.Wang Wei likes coke best.

B.Only children like eating fast food in China.

C.Health experts told students they need drink a lot of water.

D.It’s important to have a good breakfast.

50.Are snacks bad for your health? Why do you think so?





51.Friendly_________  _________   52.peel_________   _________

53.pianist_________   _________    54.hamburger_________   _________


55.They are twins.But in some ways’, they look d_________ (根据首字母提示完成


56.Please_________ (切碎)up the tomatoes.Then put them in a bowl.(根据中文提


57.Chopin was a great_________ (piano)(用所给词的正确形式完成句子)

58.My parents are_________ (都)English teachers.(根据中文提示完成句子)

59.What’s the best movie theater?

Town Cinema.It has the f_________ service.(根据首字母提示完成句子)

60.Thank you for _________ (come)to my birthday party.And the gift is SO lovely.



Yao Ming is China’s most popular professional basketball player.He was born in

Shanghai in 1980 and played in China’s National Team__61__ he was 18 years old.He also

played in the 2000 Olympics and helped China win the Asia Basketball Championship.He

__62__for the Shanghai Sharks in the Chinese League.Then he was picked(选中)by the

Houston Rockets.He became the first player from __63__ the United States,and only the

third Chinese player,in the NBA.He is 226 cm__64__,and his friendly and easy-going

personality(人格)makes him a__65__Person with players and fans


66.Deng Yaping was born in 1973.(用when提问)


67.I’m very busy tomorrow, I can’t come to your party. (完成句子)


68.Bill did his homework last night.(改成用Yes或No回答的疑问句)


69.Laura,ice skating,four,started,was,when,she(连词成句)


70.My father took me to the ZOO last Sunday.(用next Sunday改写句子)



We Want the Best!

We did a survey of things that interest young people today.This is what t hey told US.

Most of the cafes in town are good,but The Turk’s Delight,the newest care to open here,

is the most popular.It is also the most expensive,but the coffee is the best and the chairs

are the most comfortable.What’s more,the music they play in the cafe is the best.

The cell phone that everyone wants to buy is the V-Phone.This is the coolest phone a-

round because it is 1ike a computer.It has the most extras.YOU can take photos,make vide-

OS,check your e--mail,and of course,make phone calls.

And what video game is the best today? Well.everyone agrees it is Viper Boy.It has

the best pictures,the most realistic(栩栩如生)sound and the most interesting story.

A.亲爱的同学们,还记得去年寒假所做的事吗? 请你例举4件印象较深刻的事记录下


eg:I went to visit my grandparents.







Dear Sandy,

New year is coming.I made a New Year’s resolution this year._______________________




以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家提供的英语八年级下册暑期作业,大家仔细阅读了吗?加油哦!





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