


73、Which kind of staple foods is the most expensive?

A. Beijing Roast Duck.

B. Hamburger.

C. Pork and cabbage.

74、Which dessert can’t you get after your meal?

A. Apple pie.

B. Pear pancake.

C. Fruit salad.

75、If you want to have a kind of staple food and a kind of soup, how much money will you

pay at least?

A.¥8. 50.

B.¥9. 00.

C.¥7. 50.

(D)阅读下面短文, 从方框内选择恰当的句子填入短文空白处,使短文内容完整、意思连贯。(5分)


F1 is a very fast car race. It is one of the most popular sports in the world. The drivers go at over 300 kilometers an hour every race.        .

In 1895, the first F1 race began in France. During that race,        . In 1901, the best drivers had an average(平均) speed of 100 kilometers an hour. Modern grand prix(奖品) F1 racing began in 1950 in Britain. “Grand prix” is French. It means “large prize”. Today, 12 teams and 24 drivers race to get points.        . There are also F2 and F3 racing. But the cars are slower and less high-tech.

During a F1 race, drivers have to make several stops to change tyres(轮胎) and put more petrol in their cars.        , others change the tyres. While this team works on the tyres, another person puts petrol in the car and a different person cleans the driver’s helmet. One more person talks to the driver about how to win. It’s amazing that all those people finish it in just a few seconds!

During 100-meter races, people count the athletes’ speed by 1/100th(0. 01) of a second, for example 10.81 seconds.        , the race has to be timed to 1/1000th (0. 001) of a second. That is 50 times faster than the time for a blink(眨眼).

F1 cars look very colorful. First, cars of different teams have different colors. Then there are a lot of advertisements on the cars.



Some people consider making a public speech one of the most difficult things in the world.

Here are some good ways to help you make a successful public speech.

Don’t be nervous.

To relax before making a speech, take three deep and slow breaths – in through the nose and out the through the mouth. Practice your opening sentence three or four times to give you confidence. When you stand on the stage, quickly take a look at the audience(观众) first. Th ink of them as your parents, teachers and friends.

Keep it natural

Natural gestures will help your speech: smile lightly, stand straightly and hold your chest high. Try to avoid these gestures: dropping your head, playing with a pen, holding the table tightly(紧紧地) or touching your face. Speakers should dress smartly and formally. This will help the audience feel they  are respected(尊敬).

Pace and pause

Pace and pause are two important parts of every speech. Changing pace adds colors to the speech. Speak fast enough to keep people from becoming bored and slow enough for people to fully understand what you’re saying. After a key point, pause for a moment. It may make a great difference.


Good ways to make a successful public speech

What you should do:

 Relax by taking three deep and  _____81_____ breaths.

 Practice your opening sentence three or four times.

 Take a quick look at the audience and regard them as your   82   , teachers and friends.

 Keep it natural by smiling lightly, standing straight and holding your chest   83    .

 Wear    84   and formal clothes to show your respect for the audience.

 Change pace to add color to the speech and stop for a short time after a    85    point. .

What you shouldn’t do:

Don’t drop your head, play with a pen, hold the table lightly or touch    86


(A) 词汇运用:选择括号内恰当的单词或词组填入空白处,使句意完整、正确。(5分)

87、In ________ (south/southern) of China, people eat a lot of rice.

88、He is very smart , but his way to _________ (success/successful) wasn’t smooth..

89、Maria arrived ___________ (early/earlier) of all.

90、–Be careful with the knife or you will _______( cut/ wash) your fingers.

–It is very kind of you to say that!

91、We know that they are two__    __ (policewoman/ policewomen) from their uniforms.


92、My teacher told me to give a ___    _ (演讲) about how to learn English.

93、—Shall we sell flowers to ________ (筹集) money for people in Ya’an?

—Good idea!

94、Tom likes fruit very much, and he often ___    _ (吃完) ten apples in a few minutes.

95、When he was __    __ (为……干杯) me, I gave him a hug.

96、We should work harder to make our dreams __________ __________ (变为现实).

(B) 遣词造句:根据提供的图画和提示词,写一个符合图意的完整、正确的句子。(10分)

(B) 综合填空:根据短文大意选择方框中的单词,并用其正确的形式填入空白处,使得补全后的短文意思通顺,语法正确,结构完整。(5分)

We often see people in different   102  wear different clothes. In America, a businessman goes to work in a dark suit, with black shoes, socks and a tie. A reporter   103  to work in old blue jeans, a work shirt and sneakers(运动鞋). These two kinds of clothes are   104  for their work.

If you are a college student who will leave school soon, before   104  a job, you have to buy some new clothes. And you’d better have a look at“what everyone else is wearing”in the office. On certain(某种) kinds of business occasions, the men wear only suits with white shirts and dark ties. On others, men can wear jackets.

Dressing is very important. Without it, there is no successful fashion. It would be   105  if everyone looks at himself in the mirror before leaving home every morning.

第五部分  书面表达(15分)

“每天锻炼1小时,健康工作50年,幸福生活一辈子”的理念逐步深入人心。学校的体育课重视了,运动项目增加了,更多的人参加了体育运动。体育运动有助于我们的健康,也有助于我们的学习。你喜欢运动吗?你平常是如何锻炼身体的?你从中得到健康和快乐吗?你在运动中是否也有意 外的收获?

结合所学知识,请以 Sports为题,写一篇80字左右的短文。文中请不要出现姓名、学校等真实信息。

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家提供的暑期作业英语初二年级下册,大家仔细阅读了吗?加油哦!





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