


聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。尽快地掌握科学知识,迅速提高学习能力,接下来威廉希尔app 为大家提供的初二年级英语下册暑期作业


1) for +

2) since+

3) It’s + 一段时间 + since +一般过去时句子

4) It has been+ 一段时间 + since +一般过去时句子

※ 延续性动词与短暂性动词












get a letter

catch a cold

get up

wake up

fall ill

get to know

become interested in

1)She has left (离开) for 2 hours.(×)




5) 这台电脑你买了多久了?

※have been to spl.

have gone to spl.

have been in spl.

1) David                      Shanghai  for  more than three months.

2) Where’s your parents? They                     Shanghai.

3) How many times        you              Shanghai? Never.


1. (    )1. I have finished my homework ____.

Have you finished your homework


A. yet, yet                  B. yet, already

C. already, yet               D. already, already

2. (    )He has ____ seen the film Harry

Potter. So he knows nothing about it.

A. already         B. ever       C. never         D.  yet

3. (    )The rain was heavy, so  I          get home until 9:00 pm.

A.  had to         B.didn't have to     C.   have        D. must

4. (    )-           have you been here?    -3 years.

A. How often      B.How long        C.How far          D. How

5. (   ) I             who he was         they told me.

A./, until   B.  not, until   C. don’t know, until   D. didn't know, until

6.(   ) -May I go to play tennis with you, Dad?

-            you           your composition yet?

A.Are, finishing    B.Did, finish     C.Will, finish    D. Have, finished

★7. (  )They                each other for at least two months.

A.haven't seen   B.  have seen  C.  haven't been seen   D. didn’t see

8. (  ) I             to see my childhood friends last summer vacation.

A.went back  B. shall go back   C.  have gone back     D.  have been back

9. (  ) He         a great deal since he joined the army.

A.learn   B. learned     C.  has learned      D. is learning

10. (  ) Mr Huang          to Kunming. He'll come back in two weeks.

A.goes         B.  went      C. has gone       D.   go

11. (  ) -How long may I         the book?  -For two weeks.

A.borrow         B. lend       C.  keep       D.  buy

12. (  )  -            have you been here?   - For a month.

A.How often  B.   How far  C. How long    D.  How soon

13. (  ) -Is that Jack speaking?

- Sorry, he isn't in right now. He       the cinema with his aunt.

A.has been to   B.   has gone to  C.  have been to  D.  have gone to

14. (  ) It        ten years since we last         in Beijing.

A.was, met  B. had been, met  C.   was, meet  D.  is, met

15. (  ) Marine visited his aunt two days before he          town.

A.left     B.  has left   C. will leave      D. leaves

16. (  )  Many new railways          down in the past few years.

A.has been lied   B. have been laid   C.  have been layed  D. have been  lied

17. (  ) You'll answer for what you         .

A.will do       B.have done     C.  had done    D.   do



1. I ________ (do) my homework already.

2. (离开 ) He                   Tokyo for two weeks.

3. (嫁给 ) She                Robert one year ago.

★4. ( be ) It's the third time you               late for school this week.

5.(你看见 )-                  my dictionary?

-Yes. I saw it on your desk a moment ago.

6. ( go/be )-Have you even            anywhere for a trip?

-A trip? I          away from my hometown even once.

7. ( 成为 ) I know him very well because we                    friends for ages.

8. ( 感冒 ) I                       for a week and still can't get rid of  it.

11. ( 去 )- Tom, can you tell me where Jack is?

- He        to the library.

12.He _____________(not do) his homework yet.

13.___ _you ever _____(be) to Beijing?

14.We ______ never ______ (see) such an exciting match before.

15.Mother _____ just _______(clean) the house. Please don’t come in.

16.They _________________(practice) this dialogue twice.

17.I ________________ (not finish) the work yet.

18. He ___________ (not read) the         book before.

19 Her sister _________ (go) to Changchun. She______ (leave) this morning.

20.He ___________ (wait) for an hour.

21.  ___________ you ___________ (know) him since then?

22.How long ________ you__________ (stay) at home already?

23.He ___________ (live) in his hometown since he         (leave) here.

24.The writer ______________ (finish) several story-books since 1990.

25.He             (see) the film Harry Potter,so he knows nothing about it.

威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的初二年级英语下册暑期作业,还满意吗?相信大家都会仔细阅读,加油哦!





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