


威廉希尔app 近日推出最新初二年级英语暑假作业2014,供同学们参考学习,希望广大考生能度过一个愉快的暑假。



( )1. —I have _______finished my homework. What about you?

—I finished it_____.

A. just ; just now B. just now ; just now C. just ; just D. just now ; just

( )2. —__________ have you lived here? —Since last year.

A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How far

( )3. He has been away______________.

A. since a month B. for a month C. for a month ago D. in a month

( )4. When did your father _________________ your mother?

A. marry B. marry to C. marry with D. get married

( )5 It _____ four years since we ______to learn English.

A. Is , begin B. has been , began C. has, been D. had been ,began

( )6. My brother’s never been late for work, __________________?

A. is he B. isn’t he C. has he D. hasn’t he

( )7. —Excuse me, when ______you ______ the man in blue?

—Last year. And I _____ him for one year.

A. have ; known; have known B. did; know; knew

C. did; know; have known D. have; known; knew

( )8. We spend as much time as we can_____________English.

A. read B. to read C. reading D. have read

( )9. There _______great changes in our hometown in the past fifteen years

A. has been B. have been C. was D. were

( )10. — Hurry up. The bus is coming.

— Oh, no. We mustn’t cross the street ________ the traffic light are green.

A. after B. while C. since D. until

( )11. Italy is famous for______________ _.

A. the Eiffel Tower B. the Pyramids

C .the Leaning Tower of Pisa D.t he Thames River

( )12. — Can I see the headmaster at the moment, please?

—I’m afraid not. He ______________out. He ___________in 10 minutes.

A. goes; comes B. gone; came

C. will go; will come D. has gone; will come back

( )13. He __________be at home,because the light in his room is on.

A. must B. can’t C. can D. might

( )14. I think skiing is ______________great fun.

A. a B. / C. an D. the

( )15. — What was your brother like when he was young?

— He __________ be quiet. But now he’s very outgoing.

A. uses B. used C. uses to D. used to


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