



一。 听对话,选择图片。听一遍。

1. W: The giraffe has the longest neck. It’s my favourite animal. What about you?

M: I like the monkey best. It’s so funny and can always make us laugh.

2. W: My school is just next to my home. So I walk to school every day.

M: My school is far from my home. I have to take the bus.

3. W: Did you enjoy your trip to Paris last summer?

M: Yes. I watched the Eiffel Tower and enjoyed an exciting tennis match.

4. W: Would you like some hamburgers?

M: No, thanks. I’m not hungry. I’d like a glass of orange juice instead.

5. W: Shall we go skiing this weekend?

M: It’s dangerous. Why not go cycling instead?

二。 听两段长对话,选择正确的答案,对话读两遍。


W: Henry. Can you come to my birthday pa rty with Bob and Tara?

M: Sure, I’d love to, Sonia. When is it?

W: On Saturday afternoon. Jeff and Mary are coming too.

M: OK. See you on Saturday afternoon.


W: Alex, who is your best friend?

M: My best friend is Paul

W: I don’t know Paul. Is he athletic like you ?

M: Yes, he is very athletic .Paul plays baseball three times a week .He also likes playing tennis. We often play tennis on weekends.

W: You are very serious .Is Paul serious too?

M: No he is very funny and outgoing .Jenny, I thi【八年级英语期中试卷及答案】nk you are much serious than us.

W: Err, maybe.

三。 听下面一段独白,请从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项完成信息表。 独白读两遍。

It was Teachers’ Day, September 10th. We sent presents to our English, math, Chinese and history teachers. Our teachers received pictures, cards and fresh flowers as presents. They were very glad. In the afternoon, we ran and played badminton together with teachers. Then we had a party from 18:30 to 20:30. I think carrots, orange juice and fish are the best food.

1—5 BACCA 6—10 ACCAB 11—15 BCCBC 16—20 CBDAB 21—25 DCDBD 26—30 ACDBA 31—35 ABDAB 36—40CCCCA 41—45 CBBBC

46. percent 47. Most 48. information 49. online 50. should

51.make 52. gives 53. example 54. news 55. educational

56. worst 57. advice 58. necessary 59. carefully 60. sharing

61. have/make 62. common 63. discussing 64. get 65. However

66. more 67. funnier 68. clearly 69. planned 70. long

71—75 DBACE


One possible:

Last weekend I decided to help my mother do the housework. Because my mother is very busy and tired every day, I hope she can have a good rest this weekend. On Sunday morning after I got up, I began to do some washing. First, I washed my mother’s, my father’s and my clothes. And then I began to clean the rooms. I used the water that I washed the clothes just now to clean the rooms, because I think we should save water. After I washed all the clothes and cleaned all the rooms, I felt very tired. And I can understand my mother, it’s not easy for her to finish all the work not only in the office but also at home every day. From today I will do some housework every day, I hope I can make my mother live easily and happily.


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