


The Olympic Games will be held in our country.As a g _________ many people will be visiting the country,the government will b new hotels,a large stadium,and a fine new s poo1.The Games will be held just outside the c and the whole area will be c “Olympic City”.Workers will finish the new roads at the end of this year.B the end of next year,they will have finished work on the new stadium.The fine modenl buildings have been designed by Kurt Gunter.E will watch anxiously as the new buildings go up.We are all very e _ and are looking f _ to the Olympic Games because they have n ___been held before in this country.

1.____________2.____________3._____________4.____________5.____________ 6.____________7._____________8._____________9.____________10.____________



3月16日凌晨两点钟,一场大火吞噬了福建省福州市某公寓。大火持续了两小时,烧毁了许多房子。还有两人在火中丧命。失火原因是一家饭店用火不当(the misuse of fire)。




A)1.They are lovely and clever animals in the sea.They.hke swimming in groups.They are very friendly to people.They can play tricks.

2.Amy is writing a letter to her friend.

3.It has white feathers and long thin neck.I fike it.

4.It rained heavily for several days.The water covers all places.

5.It is sunny and the temperature is seven to nine degree above zero.

(1.C 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A)

B)A:We must decide which kind of animal we want to help.Let’s look in this book of animals.

B:Wow,what’s that?

A:I think it's a lion.It’s the king of animals.

B:Yeab.This lion is the largest lion.It is 3.35 metres long and weighs almost 318 kilograms.

A:It looks very big and strong。I love its bright eyes.

B:Look at its yellow fur and long hair on the head.It looks so beautiful!

A:Yes,and lions can run very fast too.They’re also very good at hunting other animals.

B:I hear lions usually live thirteen years,but one lion in a German zoo lived to be twenty—nine years old!

A:Are lions your favourite animals?


(6.bright 7.fur 8.10ng 9.thirteen/13 10.hunting)

C)Dear editor of Yangzi evening newspaper,

Please help us save the wetlands.

Yuejin Company wants to build a golf court there.The animals living there will die.Many of them are endangered!Many plants in the wetlands do not grow anywhere else. Wetlands are helpful.They clean our water in a natural way.It is impossible to build a place to clean our water.

Our government is worki ng hard to protect the wetlands.People will be sad if the company makes them into a golf court.

Please tel]Yuejin Company to build the golf court in another place!

Yours sincerely



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