


( ) 1. There's ______with my bike. I'm sorry I'm late.

A. wrong anything B. something wrong

C. anything wrong D. wrong something

( ) 2. I think PE is one of ______subjects of all.

A. most important B. important

C. the most important D. more important

( ) 3. He isn't ______ honest boy. We don't like him.

A. a B. an C. he D./

( ) 4. Her answer is different from _____, but I really agree with_____.

A. his, her B. hers, hers C. his, hers D. him, hers

( ) 5. I can read English as _____as you.

A. good B. better C. best D. well

( ) 6. The sun is _____bigger than the earth.

A. more B. many C. much D. most

( ) 7. Jack sings better than _____ in his class. Which answer is wrong?

A. all the other students B. any of the others

C. any student D. any other student

( ) 8. I have _____ money than you, but I have _____ books.

A. less; more B. fewer; many

C. little; few D. less; fewer

( ) 9.—What’s your best friend like? —_________.

A.He is fine.Thank you. B.He is a doctor

C.He likes watching TV D.He is helpful and generous

( ) 10. We can do the work better with ________money and _______people.

A. less…fewer B .fewer…less C. more…fewer D. fewer…fewer

( ) 11. ___________ important news it is!

A. How B. How an C. What D. What an

( ) 12.Of the two shirts,I’ll choose ______ one to save some money for a book.

A. cheaper B.the cheaper C.more expensive D.the more expensive

( ) 13. He didn't know where ________.

A .to go B. can he go C. he goes D. he can goes

( ) 14.The long ruler _________ in the pencil ease.

A.isn’t fit B.can’t put C.doesn’t fit D.don’t fit

( ) 15. I’m sure you drive a car next month.

A. will can B. will be able to C. are able to D. could


1. The more exercise you take, the____________ (slim) you will be.

2. He is even___________ (ill) today.

3. Yo u must write down the words on the blackboard _____________ (correct).

4. The girls finished their work all by____________ (them).

5. The dishes today are much____________ (taste). We like them very much..

6. Jim is_______________ (health) in our class because he takes much exercise every day.

7. Which subject is ___________ (interesting), History or Geography?

8.. Are there any hats on those _________________ (monkey) heads?

9. look, she is looking_________________(happy) at the me.

10. The sad news made me _________________(happy).

五. 动词填空(10%)



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