


61. How often do Britain students have PE?


62. Why do you need someone watching you when you are jumping on the trampolines?


63. What sports do kids in Britain play in winter?


64. Where do your parents know your PE grade?


65. Does your PE grade affect your chances of getting into a good school?



66. Daniel is very hard-working. Of all the students, he works ______________(hard)

67. The medicine药doesn’t work. He feels even ____________(ill).

68. How ______________(high) Max jumped! ---Yes, he came first this time.

69. My cousin likes writing. He keeps writing in English about his ____________(day) life.

70. To lose ____________(weigh), he keeps doing sports every day.

71. We seldom _______________(讨论) our study with parents when we were children.

72. How long does Nancy spend _______________(练习) playing the piano every day?

73. Thank you for ______________(自愿给予) us so much help with our work.

74. Sandy’s picture is the best in the drawing ___________________(竞赛).

75. Did you have fun ________________(在…期间) your stay in China?



Hello, everyone. I’d like to tell you something about Peter. He is b____76_____ my classmate and my best friend. He does w____77_____ in all his lessons. He often helps us with our studies. He never tells l_____78_____. He is very honest. If you like him, you can tell him e_____79______ about yourself and he will keep all the s_______80________ for you. He is also very h_______81_________. He often tells us funny jokes and makes us l______82______. He wants to be a doctor when he g______83______up. I think he will be an e_______84_______ doctor. Look, that is Peter, the boy with a s______85______ on his face.

76. _____________ 77. _____________ 78. _____________ 79. _____________ 80. _____________

81. _____________ 82. _____________ 83. _____________ 84. _____________ 85. _____________

九、书面表达:计10分)请以“my ideal school’’ 为题,根据以下要点写一篇短文。5ykj.com



1. 一所混合学校;每天早上八点半开始上课,不需早起;下午三点半放学,有时间进行课外活动;

2. 选科目学,我希望上电脑课和体育课,喜欢电脑体育;

3. 和以前比作业更少、进行业余爱好的时间更多;每个月进行一次学校郊游;……

My ideal school

Let me tell you something about my ideal school! ___________________________________________

听 力 材 料

一. 听对话回答问题。




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