


A. rich B. poor C. high D. low

47. These new clothes______ to the children in the village tomorrow.

A. are sent B. were sent C. will sent D. will be sent

48. — The bag looks big. Do you need a hand?

— Oh, it is empty. ________.

A. Never mind B. You’re welcome

C. Thanks, anyway D. It doesn’t matter

49. Which of the following is new energy?

A. coal B. oil C. wind D. gas

50. Which of the following actions is NOT part of green life?

A. Burning rubbish in the open air.

B. Planting trees in spring.

C. Walking or riding bikes to school.

D. Taking a shopping basket when going shopping.

VII. 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

阅读下列短文, 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


Antarctica is in the most  51  part of the world. It’s like nowhere else  52  the earth. It’s nearly twice the size of Australia, much  53  than Europe. Antarctica is the  54  and windiest place in the world, even colder and windier than the Arctic. In summer, the sun shines for twenty-four hours a day.  55  in winter, it’s completely dark for about three months. Very  56  plants grow there, but there is some wildlife, like sea lions and penguins (企鹅).

When Captain James Cook traveled around Antarctica by ship  57 , he found nobody living there. Today, a few  58  are studying the Ozone Hol e (臭氧空洞) in Antarctica. The ozone layer (臭氧层) is getting thinner and thinner. The biggest “hole” is over Antarctica, and the  59  there is becoming warmer. These scientists are thinking about ways to  60  Antarctica. Maybe they will find some useful methods soon.

51. A. southern B. northern C. eastern D. western

52. A. over B. at C. on D. above

53. A. smaller B. larger C. smallest D. largest

54. A. coldest B. hottest C. wettest D. driest

55. A. So B. But C. Because D. Since

56. A. few B. little C. many D. much

57. A. in 1770s B. in the 1770 C. in the 1770s D. in the 1770s’

58. A. scientists B. te achers C. doctors D. policemen

59. A. water B. weather C. surface D. area

60. A. present B. tour C. increase D. protect


Dear Lin Xin,



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