


在19至20世纪,英国和美国在文化、经济、军事、政治和科学在世界上的领先地位使得英语成为一种国际语言。威廉希尔app 小编为大家准备了这篇八年级英语上册Module3测试题


一、 听力测试(满分15分)



6. Lucy likes running very much.( )

7. Lucy runs faster than Mary.( )

8. Both Lucy and Jack like the long jump.( )

9. Jack likes the high jump and the long jump.( )

10. Jack is going to be in the high jump team this year.( )


11. ______is/are popular with all the people in the world.

A. Films B. Music C. Sports

12. Lots of people like sports because_______.

A. they can make us have a healthier body

B. they can help people make friends

C. both A and B

13. In many Chinese schools there are_______.

A. school cars B. sports teams C. dance parties

14. Girl students like playing _______at school.

A. volleyball and table tennis

B. football and basketball

C. clothes and books

15.China got_______ medals (奖牌) in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

A. fifty B. seventy C. one hundred


16. —How about watching TV at home?

—It’s too _______.Let’s play football.

A. boring B. interesting C. exciting D. relaxing

17.—Do you mind ________ the window? It’s a bit hot.

—Of course not.

A. open B. to open C. opening D. opens

18. I think playing basketball is_______ dangerous than swimming.

A. more B. very C. better D. much

19. The teacher was very pleased_______ Tony’s answer.

A. with B. on C. in D. for

20. I’m sure we can ________ the game. In my mind, nobody can _________ us.

A. win; win B. win; beat C. beat; beat D. beat; win

21.(2016•山东威海)I looked through my test paper again and again _______ I wouldn’t make any mistakes.

A. so B. because C. so that

22. (2016•陕西)_______ you speak, ___________ your English will be.

A. The less; the more B. The more; the better

C. The less; the better D. The more; the less

23. It’s important_______ the piano well.

A. of him to play B. for him to play

C. of him playing D. for him playing

24.(2016•南宁)I have _______ finished my homework. I finished it an hour ago.

A. yet B. already C. ever D. never

25.—I made some mistakes at the dinner table last night.

—_______. I’ll tell you some table manners later.

A. Of course B. Never mind

C. You’re welcome D. I’m sorry


There is a saying, “No sports, no life.” Sports are very important to us. Sports help us to stay

26 and get good grades.

Everyone in our class 27 sports. Our favourite 28 is PE. We only have PE lessons

29 a week, but we play sports every day. The most popular sport in our class is basketball. The boys enjoy 30 it, and many of the 31 like it, too. Another popular sport is football and there

32 a lot of football fans (球迷) in our class. When the weather is 33 ,we often play ping-

pong outside. We hardly ever (几乎不) play volleyball. We think it’s 34 .We have a basketball team. Our team often has friendship (友谊) matches (比赛) with teams from other schools. When there is a match, many of us go to 35 it. It’s very interesting.

26. A. fit B. cool C. fat D. thin

27. A. love B. loves C. loving D. loved

28. A. food B. drink C. subject D. fruit

29. A. two B. two time C. second D. twice

30. A. play B. playing C. played D. to play

31. A. students B. teachers C. girls D. people

32. A. were B. are C. is D. was

33. A. cloudy B. windy C. fine D. wet

34. A. boring B. relaxing C. exciting D. interesting

35. A. watch B. read C. look D. look at

四、阅读理解(每小题2分,满分20 分)


(2016•x疆)Kelly’s favorite subject is P.E. But she had a hard time in P.E. class. She was not good at jumping very far,she had trouble throwing a ball,and she couldn’t run really fast. Sometimes,some kids made fun of (取笑) her. So why does Kelly love P.E. class?

The reason is that her teacher Mr. Burns always tells her to do her best. Though she only ran for a few minutes,Mr. Burns said,“Good job! Next time you will be able to go a little longer.”Mr. Burns even put a small box on the floor,so Kelly would be able to practice jumping over it.

That night when Kelly finished dinner,she put three boxes and began practicing jumping over them. She made it! Kelly thought to herself,“Tomorrow I will be able to jump over those boxes in P.E. class.”

There was a relay race (接力赛) on Tuesday. Kelly was scared that she would not be able to go very far. When Kelly ran around the track (跑道),she heard many cheers and kids shouting,“Go Kelly! You can do it!” That was all she needed to hear. Kelly ran fast. She finished first! The kids cheered for her. Kelly felt so good.“Thank you,Mr. Burns,” said Kelly.“Kelly,you ran the race,not me.”“Yes,but you always said I could do it.”


36. According to Paragraph 1,we can learn that Kelly has trouble in P.E. class.

A. playing soccer B. skating

C. swimming D. running

37. How did Mr. Burns help Kelly practice jumping?

A. By jumping with her.

B. By asking other kids to help her.

C. By putting a small box on the floor.

D. By giving her a book on how to jump.

38. In Paragraph 3,Kelly jumped over box(es) after dinner.

A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4

39. Kelly was scared before the relay race because she was afraid that .

A. she would fall

B. she would not run very far

C. other kids would make fun of her

D. other kids would run faster than her

40. At the end of the story,we can learn that Kelly felt .

A. happy B. bored C. upset D. independent


The Dover Club together with Skyhawks Sports Centre is offering(提供) new sport camps for children this summer.

41. Children can learn how to play t-ball in _______ .

A. Mini-Hawk Camp B. Roller Hockey Camp

C. Multi-Sport Camp D. Fishing Derby Camp

42. Roller Hockey Camp’s fee is _______ .

A. $15 B. $78 C. $88 D. $102

43. Fishing Derby Camp is held at _______.

A. Skyhawks Sports Centre B. Dover Stadium

C. Butterfield Gym D. Willand Pond

44. What does the underlined word “skills” mean?

A.技巧 B.熟练 C.巧妙 D.影响

45. The passage is from _______.

A. an ad B. a movie magazine C. a diary D. a TV newspaper


46. Your listening is not very good. You need a lot of p_______.

47. Playing table tennis is_______ (有乐趣的).We all like it.

48. Sam h_______ his foot when he was playing basketball yesterday.

49. You shouldn’t do your homework_______ (粗心地).

50.Don’t worry. You will have another _____(机会)tomorrow.


51. Danny fell down (跌倒) and hurt his arms _______ (bad).

52. Table tennis is_______ (popular) than volleyball in China.

53. We all think we have a chance of_______ (win).

54. As a student, it’s important_______ (not be) late for school.

55. _______ (run) is more boring than playing tennis.


56. 梅梅今天不在学校,她怎么了?

Meimei isn’t at school today. What’s _______ _______ _______her?

57. 我太累了,需要大量的睡眠。

I am too tired. I need _______ _______ sleep.

58. 赛跑选手正在做赛前热身。

The runners are _______ _______before the race.

59. 我认为读书比看电视要有趣得多。

I think reading is_______ _______ _______ than watching TV.

60. 我弟弟尽可能认真地做作业。

My younger brother does his homework_______ _______ _______he can.






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