


2. B 由第三段最后一句“Teams usually have a good social life too – you’ll go to lots of parties and make many friends”.可知答案为B。

3. A 由第四段开头“One of the best hobbies for under–18s is collecting things.”可知答案为A。

4. C 由第四段内容可知:提到了收集邮票,电影票等,故选C。

5. C 由文章开头“Here are some things you should try before you are 18, because after that it’s too late”.可知答案为C。

Ⅳ. 1.(1)生篝火(2)害怕的


3. They went hiking, made a campfire, roasted some hot dogs and potatoes and drank lemonade, told ghost stories.

4. Because they wanted to cook their dinner.

5. Because they told ghost stories./ Because they all heard footsteps.

Ⅴ. 1. On;with 2. do; shopping

3. Why; do 4. Did; watch

5. younger; than

Ⅵ. One possible version:

There are many kinds of sports that I enjoy, such as swimming, running. However, I like basketball best. I am very good at it. I think it is good for my health. Yao Ming is my favourite basketball player. He is very famous in the world. We are so proud of him. I want to be a good basketball player like him.


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