


____________ ____________ she like this book?

53. Please don’t tell anybody about the secret.(保持句意基本不变)

Let’s keep the secret ____________ ____________.

54.The weather was fine the day before yesterday.(对画线部分提问)

_____________ ____________ the weather the day before yesterday.

55. The building is the same height as that one.(保持句意基本不变)

The building is _____________ ____________ as that one.



Tim is an English boy. Every year, he and his parents go somewhere nice on their holiday. During this (56)y_________ summer holiday, Tim and his parents travelled to several countries. They first(57) f_________ to Beijing, the capital of China. (58)D________ their stay in Beijing, they went to Tian’anmen Square, the Summer Palace and the Great Wall. They saw many places of(59)i_________ in this famous city. They (60)p_______ to visit the World Park, but they did not have enough time. Then, they flew to Moscow and (61)s________ there for a week. They went to many interesting places and enjoyed themselves very much. The Red Square was the first place they visited in Moscow. Leather(皮革) clothes are very (62)c________in Russia, so they bought some leather coats and a few pairs of leather boots for themselves. After that, they travelled to Rome (63)b__________train. They had a great time there. Tim said China is a (64)g_________ country and he wanted to visit China again one day. If he (65)c_________ again, he will visit many other cities in China, including(包括) Shanghai and Nanjing.

56.____________57._____________58.____________ 59._____________ 60._____________

61. ____________62._____________ 63.____________ 64._____________ 65.____________

七、阅读与回答问题 (本题共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 请认真阅读下面短文,并根据短文内容回答问题

Have you heard about ‘Survival(生存) Holidays’? ‘Survival Holidays’ is for children to go into the lonely place for exciting activities. Now about 1,100 companies are allowed to take children into the great outdoors without their parents.

The reason why people like ‘Survival Holidays’ is that they think being close to nature is good for children. Many children in big cities spend all time watching TV and playing computer games. ‘Survival Holidays’ gives them an important change.

Is ‘Survival Holidays’ a wonderful idea? Maybe it is. Children need more free time to play. They need to be left on their own, without adults disturbing(打扰) them. Parents care too much about their children. They like to see the children being busy with activities that are controlled by adults, but children don’t know what to do when they are in danger. Even something like crossing a small river seems to be a hard challenge. Children are not comfortable with danger. Even small danger like getting their feet wet or falling down seems very terrible to them.



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