


6. ---What’s the _________(高度) of your brother? He is so tall.

7. My favourite film star is Lu Yi . I think he is very___________(good--looking).


8. I never feel _______ with him, and we are all friendly to him .

9. --- Who is the _____________ student in your class? --- I think Lili is.

10. Please help ____________ to some fish and chicken, Mike, they are tasty.

11. It’s hard for me to remember the national ________names.


12. They ____________(have) an English class yesterday.

13. If he ____________(arrive) at Beijing Zoo at noon, he will see the feeding of animals.

14. We had a great time _________ (chat) with each other last night

15.--- _______ Jack ________ (join)in the next basketball match?

--- Of course he is. We can’t win without him.

16. The Chang jiang River is one of _______ (long) rivers in the world.

17. I like her bright___________(smile) eyes.

18. Among the six students, Millie is _________(slow)swimmer.

(honest)boy. We all don’t like him.

20. Dick sings _______ (well), she sings ________(well) than John, but Mary

sings________(well) in her class.

21.When I am _______(happy), my father tells me________(humour) jokes to make me langh.


Long, long ago, when the birds flew over the world, they saw that Man had a beautiful thing. 3 D. to get up earlier than everyone else

and kept themselves warm with it. The b thought life would be better if they have this thing. So they decided to send a messenger(使者) to ask for a little piece of it. They Chicken was a good one to send at talking. So Chicken went to Man.

He flew far over the forest. At last he came to the towns of Man. He went into a town and saw a piece of it to take to the birds because there was much food lying around the houses. He started eating the food his task.

he crowed (啼叫) very early in the morning and woke them up. They Man. He never went back to the birds. He even forgot how to fly. What an amazing story!

1. f________ 2. b________ 3. c________ 4. t________ 5. g________

6. t________ 7. f________ 8. f_________ 9. b_________ 10. w_________


1 她留着短发使她看起来更整洁了。


2. 我认为<<哈利波特>>是世界上最有趣的书之一。

I think Henry Porter is one of_____________________________________

3. 你怎么可以相信他的话呢,他总是撒谎。

How can you____________________? He always __________ __________.

4. 再睡十分钟怎么样?

What about ________________________________?

5. 我会替你保守秘密,所以你可以讲任何关于你自己的事。

I will________________ so you can _______ me __________________.

6.Davide 最擅长学习英语,所以他的英语在比赛中最好。

Davide is ___________________________, so his English ____________



通过威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的八年级上学期英语第一单元检测试题,大家做完之后是不是又有新的体会了,祝大家学习进步。






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