


(  ) 35. —Could you let me know _____ yesterday?

—Because the traffic was heavy.

A. why you come late B. why you came late

C. why did you come late D. why do come late


One girl left her home after a quarrel(争吵) with her mother.

She walked for a long time. Then she saw a noodle shop. She was 36 , but she didn’t have any money with her.

The shop owner was 37 old granny. She asked her, “Do you want 38 a bowl of noodles?”

“But I have 39 money.” said the girl.

“Don’t worry.” Soon,the granny 40 the girl a bowl of noodles. The girl ate for a while and started to 41 .

“What is the matter?” the granny asked.

“I am just 42 deeply! You are so kind. We don’t know 43 but you cooked noodles for me. But my own mother, after a quarrel, sent me out of the house.”

“ 44 can you think that way? I just cooked you a bowl of noodles. Your mother cooks for you every day. Why don’t you say 45 to her?”

The girl was surprised and went home at once. Her mom was waiting her for supper. The girl’s eyes were filled with tears again.

(  ) 36. A. hungry B. sad C. thirsty D. worried

(  ) 37 A. a B. an C. the D. like

(  ) 38 A. having B. have C. to have D. eat

(  ) 39. A. no B. not C. any D. some

(  ) 40. A. brought B. bought C. took D. caught

(  ) 41. A. shout B. cry C. ask D. talk

(  ) 42. A. move B. moving C. moved D. movie

(  ) 43. A. other B. the other C. others D. each other

(  ) 44. A. While B. What C. How D. When

(  ) 45. A. thank B. thanks C. thankful D. sorry



One day in April, No. 1 Middle School held a special activity called “Food Street” on the playground in Xi’an.

This activity was part of the English Art Festival in the school. The students in each class were divided(被划分) into some groups. Each group sold different kinds of foods. The students did the shopping and the cooking all by themselves. The students cooked delicious food such as fried chicken, potato chips and vegetables. They all worked hard and sold the food at low prices. The customers were all the students, teachers and parents. They were all pleased with the nice food.

“It’s really hard work,” said one of the students. “We must make a plan before the cooking. We must know the cost of the food. Also, we must learn how to serve customers well.”

“This activity is to give a chance to students to develop(培养) their practical abilities(实践能力),” said one teacher, “What’s more, the students will not only learn how to make money by their own hands, but also know the meaning of life. ”

(  ) 46. “Food Street” was _______.

A. a street for students to sell food along

B. a kind of food sold by the students

C. part of the activity about the English Art Festival

D. an activity for food prices among the students

(  ) 47. It seemed that _______.

A. the food made by the students was not good

B. the prices of the food were too high

C. the teachers and parents were satisfied with the students and food

D. the students didn’t enjoy the activity

(  ) 48. Which of the following can the students NOT learn in the activity?

A. How to grow vegetables. B. How to work well.

C. How to make money. D. What life means.

(  ) 49. Which of the following is NOT right?

A. The activity was not easy.

B. The students can be the customers.

C. The whole cooking has much work.

D. Only one group sell food.

(  ) 50. What does this passage tell us?

A. The students can eat the food without paying for it.

B. The activity is useful for the students.

C. Parents must help students prepare for the food.

D. All the students like this activity a lot.


Peking Opera Booking Office

Time: Begin at 7:30 every evening( last(延续) 2 hours)

Place: Liyuan theatre,175 Yong’an Road

Tele: 15910740785


Ticket numberPrice of each ticket


1 ticket ¥ 160 ¥ 200

2-5 tickets ¥ 120 ¥ 160

6-10 tickets ¥ 110 ¥ 150

Over 10 tickets ¥ 100 ¥ 140

The prices include snacks and tea.

To buy tickets contact(联系) our office by e-mail or calling at 15910740785 during office hours in English or Chinese. You can book tickets by credit(信用) card through paypal (支付宝) or through banks. You must pay for the tickets in Bank of China as late as the day before the show.

(  ) 51. When are the shows over?

A. At 8:30pm. B. At 8:30 am. C. At 9:30 am. D. At 9:30pm.

(  ) 52. Which of the following is right?

A. You can’t eat snacks in the theatre.

B. You can watch the show in the day time.

C. You can book tickets during office hours.

D. You needn’t buy tickets before the show.

(  ) 53. How many ways can you pay for the tickets if you want to book them?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.

(  ) 54. If twenty students want to see the show, and they want to sit downstairs. They should

pay ______.

A. ¥3,300 B.¥2,800 C.¥3,600 D.¥4,500

(  ) 55. If you want to book a ticket for the show on March 10, when can’t you book it?

A. On March 9. B. On March 8. C. On March 7. D. On March 10.


Films in Oscar Cinema this week

A Simple Noodle Story

•Chinese film

•Directed(导演) by

Zhang Yimou

•Mainly acted by Sun

Honglei, Xiao Shenyang, Maomao

•Film type: comedy

•From Monday to Wednesday, at 8:00 p.m.

•Ticket price:¥55Confucius

•Chinese film

•Directed by Hu Mei

•Mainly acted by Chow Yun-fat,

Jue, Chen Jianbin

•Film type: documentary movie

•From Wednesday to Friday,

at 8:00 p.m.

•Ticket price:¥55


•American film

•Directed by Roland


•Mainly acted by John

Cusack, Thandie

Newton, Woody Harrelson, Amanda Peet.

•Film type: fantasy movie

•From Friday to Sunday, at 7:30 p.m.

•Ticket price:¥60 (Half on Sunday

for students)Avatar

•American film

•Directed by James Cameron

•Mainly acted by San Worthington,

Sigourney Weaver, Zoe Saldana

•Film type: action and fantasy


•From Tuesday to Wednesday, at 8:00 p.m.

•Ticket price:¥45

( ) 56. The film directed by _______ is a documentary movie.

A. James Cameron B. Roland Emmerich

C. Hu Mei D. Zhang Yimou

( ) 57. If you want to see the film directed by Zhang Yimou, go to Oscar Cinema on


A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Friday D. Saturday

( ) 58. Students can pay only ______ when they want to see the film 2012 on Sunday.

A. ¥25 B.¥30 C.¥60 D.¥20

( ) 59. If you only have time for a film on Thursday, what film can you see?

A. A Simple Noodle Story B. Avatar

C. 2012 D. Confucius

( ) 60. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Sigourney Weaver acted in the film 2012.

B. The film A Simple Noodle Story has the highest price of the four films.

C. All the films start after 8 o’clock in the evening.

D. The four films are in the same week.

Ⅸ. 词汇部分。(10分)

A) 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分)

61. Think it over before making an important _______(decide).

62. — How much did the new watch cost your sister?

— She _______(pay) 350 yuan for it.

63. We will be ______(success) some day.

64. Tom is looking forward to _______(meet) his father’s letter, because his father works

far away.

65. The students in Class Five did _______( badly) in the exam than those in Class One last



66. —What will you do tomorrow?

—I have no idea. Can you give me some s_______?

67. They share a c_______ interest in reading.

68. Can you tell me if it’s p_______ to eat with your arms on the table in America?

69. We came to r_______ that happiness is the most important thing in our life and work as

we grow up.

70. He faced his illness with great c_______.



A: I will have an interview tomorrow. Do you know what they will ask me to do?

B: Well, I think maybe they will first ask you a few questions about yourself, your interests and

your family.

A: I see. This may not be difficult. 71. ?

B: Quite possibly they’ll also ask you to give a talk.

A: 72. ?

B: You can talk about anything about your experiences, news from the newspapers or interesting

things from magazines.

A: 73. ?

B: Yes. It is easy if you get it ready. But they will ask you some questions about your talk.

A: Maybe that will be the most difficult part of the test.

B: 74. .

A: Oh ,I am afraid I’ll get nervous.

B: 75. . You can make it!

A: Thanks very much.

B: Good luck!


In south China we eat rice every day. Sometimes we eat it two or three times a day, for breakfast, lunch and supper. We usually eat it with fish, meat and vegetable.

The Japanese eat rice, too. They also eat a lot of fish. They sometimes eat raw(生的)fi sh. In Africa, maize(玉米)is the most important food. People there make maize into flour(面粉).From this flour they make different kinds of bread and cakes.

In western(西方的)countries such as Britain, Australia and the U.S.A, the most important food is bread or potatoes. People there usually make their bread from wheat flour. They cook the potatoes in different ways. In England the most popular food is fish and chips. Sometimes people cook this food at home, but usually they buy it at the shop. They eat this food at home, in their work place, in the park or on the road. People call it "take-away" food.

76. Who sometimes eat fish when it isn't cooked? ______________________________

77. What is the most important food for African people ? __________________________

78.Is England a western country ? __________________________

79.Where do people get“take-away”food from? __________________________

80.What is the title(题目) of this passage? __________________________



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