


不断努力学习才能丰富自己的知识,下文是威廉希尔app 为大家带来的初二英语下册期末备考模拟试题,大家一定要仔细阅读哦。

一. 单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)

(   )1. — Is SIEMENS     European company?

— Yes. Its head office is in     Germany.

A. a; the  B. an; the          C. a; /          D. an; /

(   )2. I read a report about     this morning. It helps poor children by providing them with basic education and food.

A. UNICEF      B. Oxfam          C. ORBIS         D. WWF

(   )3. It’s a pity that I failed. But I am sure I will make it if I am given another    .

A. chance      B. purpose          C. success         D. condition

(   )4. If nobody breaks traffic rules and everyone is careful enough, most accidents can be    .

A. allowed      B. achieved         C. afforded        D. avoided

(   )5. — There are so many nice programmes on Friday evening. I can’t decide    ?

— I would watch the show on Jiangsu TV if I were you.

A. how to watch    B. which to watch     C. how should I watch     D. what should I watch

(   )6. Chinese speed skater, Li Jianrou was a dark horse. She     to win the gold medal before the race started.

A. didn’t expect   B. wasn’t expected  C. wasn’t expecting   D. hasn’t expected

(   )7. — I have some problems with my English grammar.

— Well, I am in     situation. Grammar has never been easy for me.

A. a different   B. the similar     C. the opposite  D. a wrong

(   )8. After the earthquake, plenty of food and medicine     to people in need.

A. were given up  B. were handed in    C. were handed out   D. were given in

(   )9. Our plan is to plant 50 trees. And we have planted half of them    .

A. the other day  B. yet        C. so far            D. in the past

(   )10. The first lady of the USA, Michelle Obama visited China this spring. She with her mother and two daughters     China for a week.

A. stayed in     B. has been in     C. has been to        D. has gone to

(   )11. — A report says an old man supports some poor children by collecting waste things.

— Yes. We all feel     is really kind     him to do so much for the children.

A. that; for  B. it; for          C. that; of       D. it; of

(   )12. We have discussed the project for two hours. And after a short break, the discussion    .

A. will carry on  B. will be carried on    C. has carried on    D. were carried on

(   )13. When the fire started, Tom was     to help all the children out. He is both brave and smart.

A. too calm     B. calm enough        C. too nervous       D. nervous enough

(   )14. In our life, we can work hard on one task    , and then another. In this way, all your dreams can be realized.

A. at a time     B. on time         C. at the time      D. all the time

(   )15. — Mum, do you mind my listening to music for a while?

—    . But please listen to it with your earphone.

A. Yes, please     B. No, thank you     C. Not at all         D. Yes, I do

二. 完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)

Traffic is becoming worse and worse in big cities. Heavy traffic has caused a lot of   16   to people’s life and work. For example, people have to get up   17   to go to work on time and come back very late when their work is   18  .

There are many causes (原因) for   19   problems, but the following may be the most important ones. One cause is the great increase (增长) in the   20   of private cars. Cars need more space but they   21   fewer people. When more and more cars appear, roads and streets become very   22  . It also causes air pollution. The other cause is that some people don’t care about traffic   23  . They cross the streets even when the traffic lights are still   24  . This may easily cause traffic accidents. But how can we   25   these problems? I think if we go out by bus or by bike more often, we’ll use cars less. It may be a helpful way.

(   )16. A. suggestions B. problems    C. types        D. imaginations

(   )17. A. quietly  B. late      C. gently       D. early

(   )18. A. over  B. on       C. in           D. out

(   )19. A. food       B. water       C. traffic         D. electricity

(   )20. A. price      B. number     C. population      D. distance

(   )21. A. give     B. use      C. make        D. carry

(   )22. A. wide     B. long       C. crowded        D. empty

(   )23. A. rules    B. ways   C. reports       D. dates

(   )24. A. green   B. red      C. yellow       D. black

(   )25. A. discuss  B. think   C. forget       D. solve

三. 阅读理解 (每小题2分,共20分)


China and the Netherlands (荷兰) are long-time friends. The Netherlands is more than 41,500 square kilometres in area. It is a bit larger than the size of Taiwan, China.

The Netherlands is rich in culture and art. It is home of many great artists, for example, Vincent van Gogh. Besides fine art, the Netherlands is also called the country of tulips (郁金香). It has

the world’s largest tulip garden: Keukenhof garden.

Dutch people are very hard-working. There’s a saying: “God made the Earth, but the Dutch made Holland.” More than a quarter of the country is below sea level. So Dutch people build many dams (水坝) to protect the country from flooding. They have created almost one sixth of the country from seas and rivers!

Did you know?

◆ Rubber ducks are popular around the world. Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman created it in 2007. The yellow duck is 26 metres high.

◆ Wooden clogs (木底鞋) are traditional shoes in the Netherlands. They make good gifts for tourists.

◆ In the Netherlands, it is impolite to start eating at once. Dutch people will sometimes say “delicious” before eating.

◆ Like the UK, the Netherlands also has kings and queens.

(   )26. Taiwan, China is     than the Netherlands in area.

A. a bit smaller    B. much larger     C. much smaller   D. a little larger

(   )27. Paragraph 3 mainly tells us about    .

A. hard-working Dutch people            B. culture in the Netherlands

C. Dutch artists     D. size of the Netherlands

(   )28. What is not talked about in the reading?

A. Table manners.  B. Artists.          C. Weather.     D. Tulips.

(   )29. About     of the Netherlands is created from the seas and rivers.

A. 16%      B. 25%  C. 60%     D. 75%

(   )30. Which is NOT TRUE about the Netherlands?

A. China and the Netherlands have been neighouring countries for a long time.

B. Keukenhof garden is famous for tulips.

C. The Dutch may give foreign friends wooden clogs as small presents.

D. In the Netherlands, it’s good manners to praise (称赞) the food before eating.


I was in line waiting to pay. A little boy in the front was buying some clothes.

I noticed that the little boy was paying mostly with change (零钱). It seemed that he had broken his pig bank (猪形储蓄罐) to do this shopping. However, the cashier told him he was $ 8.00 short after counting his money.

It was clear that the boy had already used all the money. The lady in front of me said, “Well, I could pay half of that.” I told the boy that I could pay the other half. We dug into our handbags. However, both of us only had ten-dollar bills (纸币). Other shoppers began digging into their pockets to find some change. It was amazing and touching as all these strangers seemed to react (反应) with the same mind. All wanted to be of help. Within minutes the cashier said, “I have too much money.” The cashier didn’t need our ten-dollar bills. Then the lady in front of me said, “Wait! I didn’t even get a chance to give anything!”

I smiled at her and said, “You did your share, because it was your idea and you started all this.” The little boy smiled and thanked us. I was left with a good feeling. I saw the love and goodness of others all around me. The woman in front of me smiled and said, “It sure feels good to give, doesn’t it?” I smiled back and said, “Yes!”

(   )31. What is this passage mainly about?

A. Love and goodness.        B. Culture and tradition.

C. Friendship and honesty.           D. Communication and understanding.

(   )32. How much were the clothes that the boy wanted to buy?

A. $ 8.00.       B. Ten dollars.       C. All his money.     D. All his money and another $ 8.00.

(   )33. Why did the writer and the woman both feel glad?

A. Because the boy had saved some money.

B. Because they both didn’t need to give anything.

C. Because the cashier didn’t look down on the boy.

D. Because all the shoppers around were willing to help the boy.

(   )34. What does the underlined word “touching” most probably mean?

A. 令人感动的   B. 令人难过的     C. 令人失望的       D. 令人害怕的

(   )35. What’s the correct order of the following events?

a. The cashier got enough money for the boy’s clothes.

b. The cashier counted the boy’s money.

c. The shoppers looked for some change in their pockets.

d. The boy went to the line to pay.

A. b, a, c, d   B. b, c, a, d          C. d, b, c, a     D. c, d, b, a

四. 填空 (每小题1分,共15分)

A. 根据所给汉语意思,用合适的单词填空。

36. Reading history books can not only improve our       (知识) of the past but also make us think.

37. The elderly should be spoken to       (礼貌地).

38. Deaf people can       (交流) with each other with sign language.

39. I haven’t been to that island       (也).

40. The box is       (空的). You can keep your books in it.

B. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

41. He wrote the answers too       (care) and made many mistakes.

42. Our health will       (harm) if we go jogging on smoggy days.

43. It is my       (please) to volunteer for the show.

44. Two       (Canada) joined us in the English corner.

45. An       (operate) was performed in time and the boy was saved.

C. 从方框中选择合适的词(组),并用其正确形式填空, 完成下面的短文。

achieve success, take part in, since then, disability, take place

The Paralympic Games are the second biggest sports event in the world. The first Paralympic Games (46)      in Rome, Italy in 1960. The games have become more and more popular (47)     . At the first games, there were fewer than 400 athletes. However, in 2012 in London, over 4,000 disabled athletes (48)      the games.

The Paralympic Games make it possible for people with (49)      to show the world that they are just like anyone else. They show the world that everyone can (50)      if he works hard and never gives up hope.

五. 根据所给的汉语意思,完成下面的句子。(每小题2分,共10分)

51. 他作业做得太马虎,老师很不高兴。

He did his homework                     the teacher was very unhappy.

52. 我们都不能看不起残疾人,这很重要。

It’s important for us           the disabled.

53. 这些捐赠将会被用来在那所希望小学修建一个操场。

The donations            a playground in a Hope Primary School.

54. 这本书你可以借一个星期,记得按时归还。

The book            for a week. Remember to return it on time.

55. 世界上第一台电脑是美国人在20世纪40年代发明的。

The first computer in the world            in the 1940s.

六. 任务型阅读 (每小题1分,共15分)

A. 阅读下面的材料,根据其内容填空,完成后面的表格。

They’re best friends. They are together every day. One of the friends, Jenny Siegle, is in a wheelchair (轮椅). The other, Augie, is a dog and he helps Jenny. 14-year-old Jenny is a quadriplegic (四肢瘫痪者). She cannot use her arms or legs well. Augie is not only a dog but also Jenny’s arms and legs.

How does Augie do this? In school, he picks up the pencil or notebook that Jenny drops. Jenny is also training Augie to pull off her jacket so Jenny doesn’t have to ask others for help.

At home, Augie brings her newspapers. He even helps clean Jenny’s room. When Jenny asks him to do something he can’t do, Augie goes to get her parents or sister.

At the mall, Augie wears a coat which tells everyone he is helping Jenny. After Jenny buys things, Augie carries them to the counter (柜台). He gives the cashier Jenny’s wallet and waits for the change.

The lovely and friendly dog is also a social bridge. Other kids may not know Jenny. But they come up to talk to her because they think Augie is interesting.

Augie is truly Jenny’s best friend and her bridge to the world.

Two Best Friends

Jenny The 14-year-old girl can’t use her arms or legs well because of illness.

Augie Augie is (56)      than a dog. He can be Jenny’s arms and legs.

How Augie

helps Jenny  In school If Jenny drops things, he (57)      them up. He is learning to pull off Jenny’s jacket.

At home Augie brings Jenny newspapers and helps with the (58)     . He can go to get Jenny’s parents or sister.

At the mall Augie’s (59)      tells others he is a helping dog. He carries the things to the counter and gives Jenny’s wallet to the cashier.

Beinga social bridge Other children want to talk to Jenny because they are

(60)      in Augie.

B. 阅读下面的短文,根据所给首字母提示,用合适的单词填空。

What does Britain make you think of? Its royal (王室) family or fish and chips? In fact, Britain is (61) f      for forming queues as well. From the supermarket to the underground, queues are everywhere.

I used to think people (62) s      queue in China. But I was wrong. You can also see queues everywhere. It is a part of (63) d      life. People queue most of the time. They queue to buy tickets in the cinema or when waiting at a restaurant. Most Chinese are (64) u      to waiting in a queue.

But sometimes you’ll find (65) y      in the middle of a rush, for example, getting onto the underground. Even away from the busy underground platform (站台), queues are different. One day I remembered standing in line at the supermarket. I left a small (66) s      in front of me. Within seconds, a girl walked by and took her place in front of me.

I was a (67) b      surprised at first, and then a bit angry. And later I smiled. I found these (68) e      were very interesting. These small differences help me learn about a new (69) c     . Sometimes Chinese are less polite because they are less (70) p     . And there are usually more people in cities. And of course, queue jumpers are always unpopular.

七. 书面表达 (共15分)



1. 词数70左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数);

2. 不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息。否则不予评分。

Welcome to school clubs

The new term is coming. For all our new students, I would like to introduce some of our clubs.


These are the most popular clubs in our school, and hope you can join us.


1-5 CAADB  6-10 BBCCA    11-15 DBBAC

16-20 BDACB 21-25 DCABD

26-30 AACAA 31-35 ADDAC

36. knowledge   37. politely  38. communicate  39. either   40. empty

41. carelessly  42. be harmed  43. pleasure   44. Canadians  45. operation

46. took place  47. since then  48. took part in

49. disabilities  50. achieve success

51. so carelessly that

52. not to look down on

53. will be used to build/for building

54. can be kept

55. was invented by Americans

56. more  57. picks    58. cleaning  59. coat   60. interested

61. famous  62. seldom  63. daily    64. used   65. yourself

66. space  67. bit   68. experiences  69. culture  70. patient

One possible version:

Welcome to school clubs

The new term is coming. For all our new students, I would like to introduce some of our clubs.

Cool Players is a good choice for sports lovers. Here you can do sports one hour a day to make you healthy and strong, and you can watch sports matches. If you are interested in books, Smart Readers is a good choice. Reading good books and writing reading notes are useful to improve your knowledge and open up your eyes. Do you want to be a volunteer? If so, you can join Happy Volunteers and take part in shows or help needy people in the city.

These are the most popular clubs in our school, and hope you can join us.

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