


不断努力学习才能丰富自己的知识,下文是威廉希尔app 为大家带来的unit8测试题,大家一定要仔细阅读哦。


1.Have you decided yet which book _______(write)about for English?

2.I’ve already finished _______(read) Little woman. It’s about four sisters _______(grow) up.

3.He has three _____(knife) in his schoolbag.

4. There is a _____(break) boat on the beach.

5.I’ll _______(wait) for another ship.

6.We can use knives ______(cut )things.

7.Would you like something _______(drink)?

8.Sally ____already______(read) more than 100 different books.

9.Students can’t wait ________(see) their parents every Friday.

10.I want to be a _________(science) when I grow up.

11. It’s __________(danger) to swim in the river.

12.Garth Brooks is a great _________(mucic)in America.

13.My mother __________(not come) back yet.

14.Country music is from __________(south) America.

15.My Heart Will Go On is a _________(beauty)song.

16.He was so hungry that he kept on __________(eat).

17.__________(cut) down trees is bad for our environment.

18.Can you speak ________(France)?

19.Garth Brooks has already sold more than 120 _______(million) records.

20.Listening to The Toms is a good way_____(wake) up.

21.I often see him ______play) in class.

22. I__________ (tell) him about it two days ago, but he___________(not decide) what to do yet.

23. Mr Brown____________(teach) her French for a month, but she still can’t speak French well.

24.. The young singer___________(become) famous last year and he___________(have) several  concerts by himself since then.

25. ---When_________they______(leave) Guangzhou?

---This morning.They____________(be)away for about three hours.

26.We__________(get) to London yesterday, but we_____________(not start) to work yet.

27. What time did you___________(actual) leave?

28. They did n’t achieve great____________(succeed) in life.

30.Wow! The house is always full of ______________(laugh).

31. The rich man gave away________________(million) of dollars to those poor areas.

32.I _____already________(finish) doing the work.

33._______she__________ (see) the movie So Young (《致青春》) yet?

34. They ______just _________(decide) to go to Beidaihe on vacation.

35. ________Jack __________(read) Robinson Crusoe before?

36. ---________Mr Black________ (leave) Tianjin?

— No, not yet.

37. She is 70 years old. She ______(use) to be a singer.

38.Leifeng ______(die) twenty years ago.

39.Kate is one of______________(thin)boys in our class.

40.I can speak three languages,__________(include) Japanese.

1. I think Treasure Island is a fantastic book.

A. good    B. nice    C. fine    D. wonderful

2.It’ll cost at least 500 dollars.

A. more than  B. not less than  C. less than   D. not more than

3.Which book did you choose?

A.decide to read  B.look over   C.find out   D.look for

4.---Why not listen to pop music, Tom?

--- Oh, that’t not my cup of tea. I like country music better.

A. it’s my favorite.  B.I’m not interested in it.

C. it’s good for me.  D.I don’t want to drink it.

5.The man lost his life.

A.was dead   B.died from   C. was dying   D.lost his way

6. He found the marks of the feet.

A. signs    B.photos   C.something    D.pictures

7.I had nothing.

A.I had not something.    B. I did n’t have anything.

C. I did n’t have something.   D. I had everything.

8.Sally has more than 100 different books.

A.over  B.about    C.almost   D.nearly

9.I think Tom Sawyer is a bit boring.

A.much    B.a little   C.a lot     D.very

10.She is interested in science.

A.becomes interested in    B.gets interested in

C.takes an interest in    D.takes interested in

11.Hurry up! There is little time for the work.

A.Take it east  B.Take your time  C.Be quick  D.Don’t worry

12. We should be brave in the face of difficulties.

A.to make    B.to face   C.to challenge    D.to solve.

1.The book report is due ___________.(两周内)

2.I found ___________ the feet.(......的标记)

3.When Sarah was kid,she used to_______________with her family.(为所有事情产生争执)

4.We ________________.(对科技感兴趣)

5.I heard a song __________ about returning home yesterday.(充满感情)

6. How did she ____________(初次出名)

7.I bought a __________CD yesterday.(流行音乐)

8.I understand __________.(成功的重要性)

9.She has ______________ for a year.(在国外工作)

10.I ___________ him sing live one day.(希望看到)

11.Garth is __________________.(最成功的歌手之一)

12.He’ll ____________it one day.(开始意识到)

13. Their music ____________.(听起来更像摇滚乐)

14.Have you _________ Treasure Island?(听说)

15. Please __________(翻到第12页)

16. Hangzhou is __________silk in China.(......的故乡)

17.This house _________my aunt two years ago.(属于)

18._____________, I’ve found smile is the best way to make us happy. (从那以后)

19.I hope to see him _________ one day.(现场演唱)

20.____________the students is 1,000 in our school.(......的数量)

21.If she has a good book to read, she can’t ______ ____at all.(把它放下)

22.____________ will come to today’s meeting?(其他什么人)

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