



Dear Tommy,

I’m in Paris now! Mom, Sally and I came here to visit my uncle. We are having a wonderful time. Dad didn’t come because his company (公司) sent him to work in Japan last month. He will have to stay there until November.

For Sally and me, it’s our first time to come to France. We are so excited! Last week Mom went to different shows alone. She used to study in Paris, so she knows the city well. Sally and I visited many interesting places with Aunt Susan. Although we can’t speak French, it’s OK. Aunt Susan and Uncle Tyler can speak both French and English.

Yesterday afternoon, Mom, Sally and Aunt Susan stayed home cooking dinner. Uncle Tyler took me fishing. We drove for an hour and finally arrived at his favorite lake. First, we walked around the lake looking for a good place to fish. Uncle Tyler said we should fish from the top of a large rock.

I was so interested in catching a fish that when I threw my fishing line and hook (鱼钩) out, the rod (鱼竿) went with them! Uncle Tyler got my rod out of the lake. Then he said that next time, I should wait until he put bait (鱼饵) on the hook.

We fished for two hours and my uncle caught four fish. He is a fantastic fisherman. The only thing I caught was a cold. I can’t wait to go again soon, so I can become a great fisherman like him.




(   ) 51. Frank’s father went to Japan to ______.

A. work      B. study    C. take a holiday        D. visit his brother

(   ) 52. Who CANNOT speak French?

A. Susan and Tommy.  B. Sally and Susan.

C. Frank and Tommy.   D. Sally and Frank.

(   ) 53. Which word best describes Frank when he was fishing?

A. Bored.     B. Excited.  C. Angry.        D. Careful.

(   ) 54. Which of the following is TRUE according to the letter?

A. Frank will stay in Paris with his family until November.

B. Frank got sick after he fished in the lake with his uncle.

C. Sally used to study in Paris and she visited many places there.

D. Sally spent an hour cooking dinner with her mother and aunt.

(   ) 55. What will Frank probably do if Tyler asks him to go fishing next time?

A. Go with him.

B. Send him a new rod.

C. Say no to him.

D. Prepare some bait himself.

Ⅷ. 情景交际(每小题2分,共10分)


A: Mark, I plan to volunteer to work in the old people’s home. Are you interested in it?

B: Of course, Nick. I know Rob is also interested in it. (56) ____________________?

A: This Saturday. The weather will be fine.

(In the old people’s home)

A: Oh, the house is in a mess (杂乱不堪)!

B: (57) _______________________?

A: You should clean out these old boxes first.

B: OK. This cleaning job is so easy. What’s Rob’s job?

A: He is cleaning the whole living room. The lights, the floor ... everything!

B: (58) _______________________?

A: Yes. I will help him.

(In the living room)

A: Rob, how is your cleaning going?

C: Not very well. I still have a lot to do.

A: I can help you. (59) _______________________?

C: You just need to clean the floor.

A: OK. I can finish that quickly.

C: And one more thing!

A: (60) _______________________?

C: Can you play some music? We can listen to music while we clean.



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