


学习可以这样来看,它是一个潜移默化、厚积薄发的过程。威廉希尔app 初中频道编辑了初二英语试卷答案,希望对您有所帮助!

一.  1—5 CCCDD 6—10 DBDCC 11—15 BCCBD 16—20 CADAC 21—25 ADBBD

二. 26. C be widely used“被广泛使用”。

27. D be important and necessary to sb. “对某人来说重要而且必须”。

28. B can后接动词原形。

29. A faster and better “又快又好”。

30. C many other things “很多其他东西”。

31. B quickly副词,“迅速地”。

32. A on foot“步行”。

33. C 过去时态的被动语态结构。

34. B not only...but also “不仅……而且……”。

35. D as fast as表示同等级比较。

三. 36. A  37. C

38. D 由第一段中56.4%可知。

39. D 由第二、三段可知。

40. A 由第三段可知。

41. A 由第二段可知。

42. B 本文主要内容为“西部开发”。

43. A  44. C  45. C  46. A  47. B  48. A  49. D  50. D

四. 51. home  52. train  53. take/catch  54. (away)from  55. on foot

五. 56. fine / nice / lovely  57. cleaned  58. my / the  59. rooms / room  60. washed  61. my / some  62. clothes (or: 60. did 61.some 62.washing)  63. visit  64. them  65. together  66. shining  67. brightly  68. took  69. some / many  70. pictures / photos  71. bookshop / bookstore  72. Canada  73. With  74. Busy  75. interesting


One possible version

TO: johnbrown@ yahoo. com

FROM: dicksmith@ hotmail. com

SUBJECT: A match

Hi, John Brown,

I have a piece of good news for you. There is going to be a football match on the school soccer field on September 20th. It will start at half past five in the afternoon. The match is between Class 1, Grade 2 and Class 5, Grade 3. Would you like to go and watch it with me? (Will you please come and watch it if you are free?) I hope you will.


Dick Smith







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