


想要学习进步,就要不停地对所学的知识勤加练习,因此威廉希尔app 为大家整理初二英语期中试卷及答案,供大家参考。


1.The ground was ___________ (覆盖) with thick snow.

2.The accident happened quite _______  (最近)

3.It’s __________ (无用的) to cry again. You must work hard at your lessons.

4.The changes bring us many________ ( 优点 ).

5.I have an ___________(没完没了的) list of housework to do.

6.I always have a good _____________( 感受 ) when I lie on the grass.

7.On my way to school, he lost the _____________ (伞) in the wind.

8.Now there are a number of __________(工厂) in our hometown.

9.We must take action to __________ (减少) pollution.

10.-What’s on TV?  -Chairman Hu Jintao is having an i________ with President George Bush.

11.Have you ________( 改变 )your mind yet?

12.They will celebrate their fifteen years of _____________ (婚姻) this Sunday.

13.Kitty got______(结婚) last year. Her husband is a computer programmer.

14.Danny and Daniel are brothers, and their ________(妻子) are sisters.

15. There are one hundred years in a _________ (世纪).

16. Mr. Liu is an ________(经验) teacher. He has ways to make his class lively.

17.-Do you know where the Oriental Pearl______(塔) is?   -Yes. It’s in Shanghai.

18. Many people in Harbin like_______(滑雪) in winter.

19.The fans _______(鼓掌)and screamed when the famous singer appeared on the stage.


1.I felt a slight ______ (shake) through my body.

2.His ______(arrive) was a big surprise to us all.

3.Chongqing is a ________ (fog) city.

4.Don’t be          (frighten). It’s just a toy gun.

5.Mr Hu _________(teach) us English since 5years ago.

6.I ___________(know) the man for many years.

7.The twins used ___________ (go) home early.

8.Can you tell me what he                 (say) just now ?

9.If your brother                (not reach) here on time, they            (be) unhappy.

10.The teacher told us that light              (travel) faster than sound.

11.Don’t eat _____(health) food. It’s bad for your health.

12.Sandy put the books here a week ago. Maybe she has ____________ (forget) about it.

13.Mr Smith _____________ (live) in Shanghai since he __________ (come) there.

14.The park has become a new tourist_______ ( attract ).

15.The government wants to reduce the_____ ( pollute ).

16.___________(luck) , he didn’t pass the exam .

17There used ___________ ( be ) a factory in the past.

18.They __________( be ) in New York for seven years.

19.Many children now feel unhappy because of ________( be )alone.

20.Many parents are trying to stop their children from eating ________(health) food.

21.We should feel happy for the ___________ ( develop ) of our country.

22.He _______(know) the city since he was very young.

23.The girl looks beautiful in the ______(shine) red silk.


In fact   /    get married    /  turn into

over the years  /  from time to time

1.The government ______the place _____a new airport.

2.They _______________ ten years ago. Now they have two children.

3.Kate usually goes to school by underground. But her father drives her to school _________________.

4.Both Sunshine Town and Starlight Town have changed a lot _______________.

5.They aren’t policemen.___________, they are robbers.


(   ) 1. He _______ finished his homework ________.

A. has, yet   B. hasn’t, already

C. hasn’t, yet   D. haven’t yet

(   ) 2. Millie has ________ seen the dolphin show. She won’t go to see it tomorrow.

A. already B. just now C .yet  D. never

(  )3.Mr Chen has been in Sunshine Town ___________ he was two years old.

A. for B. since  C. from  D. because

(   ) 4. Daniel’s father ________ English _______ 10 years in Beijing.

A. has taught, since  B. taught, in

C. has taught, for  D. taught, for

(   ) 5. The changes have _________ many benefits (利益),but they have also _______ a lot of  problems for the environment.

A. bought, caused  B. brought, taken

C. brought, caused  D. bought, taken

(    ) 6. ---______ have you lived in Nanjing ?

---I’ve lived here ______ 1993.

A. Hong long, for  B. How often, since

C. How long, from  D. How long, since

(  ) 7. Mrs King has never been to the Great Wall,_______?

A. hasn’t he  B. has she  C. hasn’t she  D. has he

(  ) 8. Her parents________ for seven and a half years.

A. have got married  B. got married

C. have been married  D. married

(  ) 9. The old man lives ___ but he never feels_____.

A. lonely, lonely  B. alone, alone

C. alone, lonely  D. lonely, alone

(  )10.We use a fridge to keep the vegetables _____.

A. green  B. fresh  C. new  D. warm

(  ) 11. --- Can I ________ your dictionary?

--- Of course, but don’t ________ it to others.

A. lend, borrow  B. borrow, lend

C. borrow, lent   D. lend, borrowed

(  ) 12. --- When _______ you begin to study English?   --- In 2003. I _________ English for five years.

A. did, study   B. have, studied

C. have, have studied D. did, have studied

(  ) 13.It’s nice for us_______space and pretty gardens.

A. have open   B. to have opened

C. to have open  D. have opened

(   ) 14. The guide words on Page 64 and Page 65 are ‘nature’ and ‘nice’. Which word can we find on Page 64 and Page 65?

A. need  B. nurse C. north  D. noise

(   )15. Kitty and her parents _________ Hong Kong since last week.

A. has been in     B. have come to

C. have been in     D. has stayed in

( )16.The thunder was____and the wind blew _______.

A. terrible, terrible B. terrible, terribly

C. terribly, terrible   D. terribly, terribly

(  )17. ——Have you been to Hong Kong before?     ——____, I _____ there in 1997.

A. Yes; have been                    B. No; have been

C. No; went                            D. Yes; went

(   )18.They ______Shanghai      a cold morning last week.

A. arrived at, on   B. got  to, in

C. reached to, on  D. arrived in, on

(   )19. Amy was reading a book _____ I came in.

A. when   B. While   C. because   D. though

(   )20.It’s very ____ to play _____Chinese chess with them.

A. pleasure; a      B. pleased; the

C. pleasant; /       D. necessary; an

(   )21.Can you give me___ water?

A. a little of    B. a bit of  C. a bit   D. a few

(   )22.He_   _be here, but he has moved to Shanghai.     A.used to B. was used to

C. happened to D. tried to

(  )23. A:—Have you finished doing the work____?       B:——Not____.    A.already; yet  B. yet; yet      C. already; already  D. yet; already

(   )24..This is the most interesting film I __________.

A. saw   B. to see  C. have seen   D. seeing .

(   )25. Look at that new model plane. It must_____ a lot of money.

A. cost  B. pay    C. spend      D. take

(   )26.There once ___ an old theatre near there .

A. is  B. was    C. is going to be    D. be

(   ) 27. --- _____________ my English dictionary?

--- No. I was not in the classroom just now.

A. Have you saw      B. Did you see

C. Have you seen    D. Do you see

(  ) 28.The children screamed with__________ when they saw the Disney characters.

A. excitement  B. excited  C. exciting   D. excites

(  )29. Mother _______the market. She will come back in an hour.   A. has been to    B. has gone to            C. has went    D. has stay in

(   )30.The symbol of Denmark is ______________.

A. the Statue of Liberty  B. the Tower Bridge

C. the Little Mermaid  D. the Leaning Tower of Pisa

(   ) 31.The film _____ for nearly one and a half hours.

A. has already been   B. has begun

C. has been on     D. has started yet

(   )32.-I’m going on a trip to Japan after the exam.

-Really? ___________!

A. Have a nice time    B. Congratulations

C. OK              D. It’s nice of you



Li Lei: Excuse me. 1

Mr. Smith: Yes. And you are.. . ?

Li Lei: I'm Li Lei. Your friend Miss Wu is busy at the moment. She asks me to meet you.              Welcome to Hangzhou, Mr. Smith.

Mr. Smith: Thank you.

Li Lei: By the way,2

Mr. Smith: No. This is my second time. I came here in 1998 for the first time.

Li Lei: 3

Mr. Smith: I like it very much. It' s very beautiful and famous in the world. And the people here  are quite friendly. 4

Li Lei: I'm glad you like the city. And now Hangzhou is becoming more and more beautiful. 5

Mr. Smith: I think so. Thank you very much for meeting me.

Li Lei: It's a pleasure.

A.  I'm glad to see you.

B.  How do you like the city?

C. I'm sure you'll have a good time.

D.  Are you Mr. Smith from Australia?

E.  Is this your first visit to Hangzhou?

F.  It's a nice place to visit.

G.  Would you like to visit Hangzhou?

六、完型填空。(20分)     (  A  )

Mr Brown lived in a small town. One day he  _1 _a long journey. It was very late when he was going home. __2  he found that a man  __3__behind him. Mr Brown went faster, and the man walked faster, too. ___4___ Mr Brown walked slowly and the man slowly, __5__  .

Now, they were coming near a garden. Quickly Mr Brown ran  6 __it. He tried to get away from the man in this way, but he failed. He was very afraid. He rushed and the man rushed after him. Now Mr Brown stopped. “Excuse me…”he said. “What do you want  __7  ?”

“  _8  , sir,” answered the man. “You see, I have to  9  Mrs King a bag and I asked the man at the station. He told me, ‘Go right after that man. He lives in the house just next to   __10  . ’”

(  ) 1. A. have   B. go  C. is    D. had

(  ) 2. A. Suddenly    B. Quietly

C. Badly     D. Fortunately

(  ) 3. A. was coming   B. come

C.was walking  D. walk

(  ) 4. A. What  B. When C. Where D. How

(  ) 5. A. neither B. either  C. still   D. too

(  ) 6. A. into  B. On   C. of    D. at

(  ) 7. A. something B. anything C. do  D. to do

(  ) 8. A. Sorry B. Excuse me C. OK  D. No

(  ) 9. A. borrow  B. lend   C. give   D. bring

(  ) 10. A. Mrs King B. Mr Brown C. you D. me


China has changed very quickly over the past fifty years. ___1___ you look carefully, you can see it ___2___ in front of your eyes.

Fifty years ago, everybody travelled around by bike. Today, lots of people in China still ride their bikes

____3____ school or work, but many people also take the bus or travel ____4____ underground. There are many people who even drive their own cars. While there used to be only small shops, now China’s cities are

full of ____5____department stores. In these department stores, in one trip people can buy every thing they

want, such as food, toys, bikes and televisions. Televisions are ____6____ change that China has seen.     Many children would say that they cannot imagine life without one, but years ago, people did not have them.

The Internet and the computer have only recently become regular items in our lives. Without the Internet,

people would not be able to get information as quickly as they can now. The Internet helps people ____7____

friends all over the world. Computers help ____8____ children and adults in their everyday lives. Many

students are lucky enough ____9____ able to use them to do their homework or ____10____ with their friends

and sometimes play games.

(   ) 1.  A. Even if B. If  C. Although D. So

(   ) 2.  A. be changing B. to changing

C. change   D. to change

(   ) 3. A. from B. to C. in   D. at

(   ) 4. A. with B. at C. in   D. by

(   ) 5. A. large B. larger  C. small D. smaller

(   ) 6. A. others B. one C. other  D. another

(   ) 7. A. making   B. to have made

C. make     D. have made

(   ) 8. A. both B. all C. either  D. neither

(   ) 9. A. be  B. being C. to be  D. to

(   ) 10. A. speak B.chatting C.to chat D. speaking  七、阅读理解。(20分)    (A)

In many parts of the world, people live to a healthy old age. What is the secret of their long lives?      Three things seem to be very important: fresh air, fresh food and a simple way of life. The Hunzas, people living in Himalayas, are famous all over India for their long and healthy lives. They work near their homes in the clean mountain area. They do not travel a long way by bus, car or train. They do not sit all day in busy offices or factories. They take more exercise and eat less food than people in the cities. They eat vegetables grown by themselves. They drink milk taken from their own cows. For years, the Hunzas of Himalayas do not need policemen for there is no crime (犯罪). They do not need lawyers for there is no divorce (离婚). They do not need doctors for there is not much illness. They are a happy and peaceful people.

(     ) 1. Which is not true?

A.The Hunzas travel a long way by bus.

B.The Hunzas take more exercise and eat less food than people in the cities.

C.The Hunzas eat vegetables grown by themselves

D.The Hunzas drink milk taken from their own cows.

(     ) 2. Which is wrong about the Hunzas?

A.They live a simple way of life in the mountain area.

B.They grow vegetables and mike cows themselves.

C.When they are ill, they do not go to see doctors.

D.They do not sit all day in busy offices or factories.

(    ) 3. According to the writing, __________ doesn’t seem to be the secret of a long life.

A. fresh air             B. fresh food

C. a simple way of life  D. heavy eating

(     ) 4. What are the Hunzas famous for?

A. Their vegetables  B. Their milk

C. Their food       D. Their long and healthy lives.

(    )5. The Hunzas do not need doctors, for ________.

A. everybody there can treat himself if he is ill

B. they don’t believe doctors

C.there is no illness there D. people there seldom fall ill

(   B  )

When you are reading something in English, you may often meet with a new word. What’s the best way to know it?

You may look it up in the English-Chinese dictionary. It will tell you a lot about the word: the pronunciation, the Chinese meaning and how to use the word. But how can you know where the word is thousands of English words? How to find it in the dictionary both quickly and correctly?

First, all the English words are arranged(安排) in the letter order. In the dictionary you can first see the words beginning with letter A, then B, C, D…. That means, if there are two words “desert” and “pull”, “desert” will be certainly before “pull”. Then if there are two words both beginning with the same letter, you may look at the second letter. Then the third, the fourth… For example, “pardon” is before “plough”, “judge” before “just”, etc.

Do you understand how to look up in the dictionary?

The dictionary will be your good friend. I hope you’ll use it as often as possible in your English study.

( )1. This passage is about______.

A. new words in writing  B. different dictionaries

C.the best way of reading

D.using an English-Chinese dictionary

()2.In the dictionary you may not find_______.

A. how to pronounce the word

B. the spelling of the word

C. who used the word firstD. how to use the word

( )3. In an English-Chinese dictionary, the last word______.

A. begins with Z     B. begins with A

C. is a short one       D. is not often used

( )4. Which group of words is in the right order in an English-Chinese dictionary?

A. perhaps, produce, plenty

B.straight, subject, surprise

C. century, center, business

D. foreign, entrance, headache

( )5. In the passage the writer tries to tell us that_______.

A. we have to use a dictionary when we read something in English

B. an English-Chinese dictionary can tell us everything about a word

C. an English-Chinese dictionary can help us a lot in our English study

D. all English-Chinese dictionary are the same

一. 书面表达。(25分)根据下面的提示,写一篇短文。





一.1. covered   2. recently  3. useless 4. advantages  5.endless  6.feeling 7. umbrella  8. factories 9. reduce  10.interview 11.changed 12.marriage 13. Married

14. wives  15.century  16.experienced  17.Tower  18.skiing  19.clapped

二.1. shaking   2. arrival    3. foggy   4. frightened   5.have taught  6.have known  7. to go  8.said

9. doesn’t reach, will be  10.travels  11.unhealthy

12.forgotten  13.has lived,came  14.attraction

15.pollution  16.Unluckily  17.to be 18.have been

19.being  20.unhealthy  21.development

22.has known  23.shiny

三.1.has turned,into  2.got married  3.from time to time  4.over the years  5.In fact

四.1-5 CABCC  6-10DDCCB  11-15 BDCAC

16-20BDDAC  21-25BABCA  26-30BCABC


五.1—5  DEBFC

六.A)1—5  DACBD  6-10 ADBCA

B)1-5 BCBDA   6-10  DCACC

七.A)1-5  ACDDD   B)1-5 DCABC

八.(参考) Last week, there was a heavy storm in our town. A tall building near our school caught fire because lightning hit it. Firemen hurried to come as soon as someone called the 119 for help. The firemen told the people trapped to calm down and leave the place one by one. An hour later, the big fire was put out at last. And luckily, no one was hurt in the disaster.

My hometown is not far from Xuzhou.It used to be a quiet and beautiful place.There were many wildlifeand the air was fresh then.

It has changed a lot over the years.Now it has turned into a modern town.In the past people can only walk or ride to town,but now you can take clean and beautiful bus,you can also take the coach and the taxi.It is faster and easier to get to the city.You will also take the underground soon in the future.

The changes have brought Xuzhou many advantages.Many people have moved to new flats.However,the pollution becomes more serious.I think people should take action to reduce the pollution.

上文为大家整理的初二英语期中试卷及答案大家仔细阅读了吗?更多相关内容尽在威廉希尔app 。






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