



1 你们总是和老师相处得好吗?

_______ you always get _______ _______ _______ your teachers?

2 如果他走了,将会发生什么?

What _______ _______ _______ he ________.

3 数学是最重要的科目之一。

Math is ______ ________ the most _________ ________.

4 我昨天买的笔不能写。

The pen ______ ________  yesterday _______ _________.

5 五年前你住在哪里?十年后你会在哪工作?

Where ______ you ________ five years ago? Where ______ you ________ in ten years?

三、阅 读 理 解(5分)


Many young people can use the computer, but few of them know how to look after them. Remember the following when you use the computer.

Keep your computer in a cool, dry room. Too much or too little heat is bad for computers. Damp is also bad for them. Most computers work best at a temperature of 5-30 degrees centigrade.

Do not let people smoke cigarettes near your computer. Smoke of all kinds is very bad for many parts of a computer and can cause many problems.

Do not eat or drink when you are near your computer. Pieces of food and a little water in the keyboard can also cause many problems.

Make sure that the keyboard and the screen are the correct height for you. If they are not correct, you‘ll get backache.

Make sure the screen is the correct distance from your eyes. If you wear glasses, make sure these glasses are correct for using with the computer. Some people use a different pair of glasses when they use a computer.

Keep your screen clean and do not have it too bright. A dirty screen can hurt your eyes. A very bright screen can also be bad for your eyes. If you can afford one, buy a computer screen. It will be better for you than using the screen of a TV set.

(   ) 1. According to this passage, ________.

A. more and more people can control computers as well as take care of them.

B. fewer and fewer people pay any attention to the protection of the computers nowadays.

C. most young people can control computers well while paying little attention to keeping them well.

C. Most computer lovers are fond of eating their food while playing computer games.

(   ) 2 . Computer, just like some people, may prefer(更喜欢) ________.

A. autumn to(比起)summer and winter   B. neither winter nor summer or autumn

C. summer to winter and autumn   D. both summer and winter

(   ) 3. Putting the keyboard and screen too high means you ________.

A. have to straighten your back long every time

B. have to lower your head while using the computer

C. don’t have to look at your manuscript while typing

D. don’t have to look sideways from time to time

(   ) 4. Some people use a different pair of glasses when they use a computer because they want to ________.

A. protect the computer      B. prevent their eyes being hurt

C. make them look cool      D. show off his glasses

(   ) 5. Which is NOT true according to the passage?

A. If the height of the screen isn’t correct, you’ll get backache.

B. Smoking is bad for a computer and is one of the cause of many problems.

C. You should wear a different pair of glasses when you use a computer.

D. You should use a computer screen instead of a TV screen.

四、 小作文(5分)


My name is Dabao. I’m a student in Junior Two. I was good at (1)_________ 5 years ago. I could also (2)________________ very well. Now I am as hard - working as before. I can (3)__________________in all the subjects than my classmates. I can speak English very well. My head teacher always says I am excellent. She hopes I can become (4)________________  when I grow up.

(B) 谈谈你的学习情况。结合自己的发展, 描述2008年的北京。(至少5句话)(3分)









一、 单项选择。(20分)

1、____  2、____  3、____  4、____   5、____

6、____  7、____  8、____  9、____   10、____

11、____ 12、____  13、____ 14、____  15、____

16、____  17、____  18、____  19、____  20、____

二、 选择适当的词填空。(10分)

1、___________________    2、_________________     3、_____________     4、_________________      5、_________________  6、_____________    7、____________     8、___________     9、___________  10、_______

三、 完型填空。(10分)

1、___ 2、___ 3、___ 4、___ 5、___ 6、___ 7、___ 8、___ 9、___10、___

四、 句型转换。(10分)

1、____ ____  2、____ ____  3、____ ____  4、____ ____  5、____ ____     6、____ ____  7、____ _____ 8、____ ____   9、____ ____    10、____ ____

五、 将左右两栏对应句连接,使他们相匹配。(10分)

1、____    2、____     3、____     4、____      5、____

6、____    7、____     8、____     9、____      10、____


1、________    2、___________     3、__________     4、___________      5、________  6、____________    7、___________     8、_________     9、_________  10、___________

七、 阅读理解。(10分)

1、____ 2、____ 3、____ 4、____ 5、____

6、____ 7、____ 8、____ 9、____ 10、____


a)___________    b)______________    c)_____________

1____________________________      2_____________________________

3____________________________      4_____________________________


一、 选词填空:选用十个词,用适当形式填空,每空限用一次。(5分)

1、____     2、____     3、____    4、____     5、____

6、____     7、____      8、____     9、____    10、____


1、____ ____ ____ ____       2、____ ____ ____ ____

3、____ ____ ____ ____       4、____ ____ ____ ____

5、____ ____ ____ ___


1、____ 2、____ 3、____ 4、____ 5、____


(A)  1、___________ 2、___________ 3、_____________ 4、__________






新目标八年级英语下学期期中测试题      2006, 4

试 题 答 案

基础知识运用(共20分, 每小题1分)

一、单项选择  1-20 ABACC; CBBBC;   ABCBB;  AAACB


1 was mad at    2 less    3 get on   4 organize  5 took

6 in good health  7 kinds of     8 until    9 landed    10 pass on

三、完型填空 (10分) (A). 1-4 BCAD     (B). 5- 10 BCCCAB


1 While, watching   2 they, would  3 if, have  4 shouldn’t come  5 Did, see

6 What, doing    7 was, doing  8 Will, win    9 Why, did     10 Would, opening

七、 将左右两栏对应句连接,使他们相匹配。(10分)



1 will fly   2 are playing   3 goes   4 could  5 is reading

6 won’t have  7would visit   8 bought   9 rains  10 was talking

七、阅 读 理 解(共10分, 每小题1分)

(A). BCACC;           (B). CBBBC;


一、(A).1. BEG  2. DFI   3. ACH    (B). (vary answers)



1 sleeping, 2 work, 3 well, 4 more, 5 loudly 6 hard 7 have 8 late 9 hours 10 healthy


1 Do on well with    2 will happen if leaves    3 one of important subjects

4 I bought doesn’t work.    5 did live will work

三、阅 读 理 解(5分)

1-5    CAABC


(A).1. dancing  2. play the violin  3. do better   4. an English teacher     (B).  (vary )

威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的初二英语期中试卷及答案,大家一定要仔细阅读哦,祝大家学习进步。






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