


不断努力学习才能丰富自己的知识,下文是威廉希尔app 为大家带来的初二下册英语期中考试卷,大家一定要仔细阅读哦。

第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题 共60分)

五、任务型阅读 (共10小题,每小题1分,计10分,每空一词。)

66.____________ 67.____________   68.____________   69.____________   70.____________

71.____________ 72.____________   73.____________   74.____________   75.____________



76. Sunshine Town used to be a     ▲     (安静) town with green hills and fresh air.

77. Luckily, we had a lot of support from local     ▲     (企业).

78. We couldn’t stop     ▲     (鼓掌)when we saw the pop star.

79. The mouse doesn’t work. Please     ▲     (重新启动))the computer again.

80. Project Green Hope helps     ▲     (保护) rivers and lakes in China.


81. A new educational CD-ROM     ▲     (call) “Online Traveller” has just come out.

82. Tsim Sha Tsui is the     ▲     (culture) centre of Hong Kong. Would you like to go there?

83. This kind of machine is     ▲     (wide) used in this big company.

84. All the fans screamed with great     ▲      (excite)when they saw their favourite singers.

85. Reading the Great English Class can improve your    ▲      (know) of English.


86. It was my job     ▲     (introduce) each pop star.

87. We created the file and     ▲      (control) the computer.

88. Our headmaster Mr. Li said that the middle school students     ▲     (tell) not to smoke.

89. The little boy was looking at the blue sky and     ▲     (lie) on the grass when he fell asleep.

90. The students    ▲      (study) in Yancheng Middle School since 2011.

76.____________ 77.____________   78.____________   79.____________   80.____________

81.____________ 82.____________   83.____________   84.____________   85.____________

86.____________ 87.____________   88.____________   89.____________   90.____________


Now more and more people use computers for work and study. The computer brings us j   91    and wealth. However, it damages(损害) our h   92   .

Firstly, it damages the eyes. Long time of web-surfing will m   93    our eyes dry and painful(疼痛的). Secondly, it hurts the back b   94    people always sit in front of a computer for several hours. Thirdly, it is h   95    to the stomach. This is the result of unhealthy diet.

Therefore, we should use computers in a right way to r    96     the damage. Scientists say that people should rest for about 5 to 10 minutes after w   97    on a computer for an hour. Also, we should do some activities, l   98   relaxing the legs and arms, doing eye exercises. As for diet, we should eat food rich in protein(蛋白质) and vitamins, such as eggs, fish and f   99    fruit. For near-sighted people, they should wear g   100   .

91.____________  92.____________  93.____________   94.____________   95.___________

96.____________ 97.____________  98.____________   99.___________   100.___________



101. 最近,这个工厂发生了巨大的变化。

The factory _________________________ a lot ___________________________.

102. 电脑被用来收发电子邮件。

Computers are used to _________________________________________________.

103. 这次演出真的很成功,每个人似乎很高兴。

The show was really _____________________________ and everyone _____________________________.

104. 乡下的天气与城市里的相当不同。

____________________in the country ________________________________________ in the city.

105. 他们不是去年结婚的。他们已经结婚多年了。

They ________________________last year. They ___________________________ for many years.

B. 书面表达(共1题,计15分)

我们的家乡发生了日新月异的变化,许多游子皆有探乡的愿望却不能成行。李明为他们设计了名为‘Hometown Traveller’ 的CD-ROM,请你仔细阅读下面的信息,根据提示语,向他们介绍并推荐有关家乡的CD-ROM.

Name of the CD-ROM Hometown Traveller

Designer Li Ming

Settings  Yancheng

Sold in Yancheng Middle School

Goal To travel around the hometown to learn more about it and make it better

Changes to Hometown Environment: (pollution, air…)

Development: (building, road …)

Transport: (buses, trains…)


2.要点须包括表格中的所有信息,Changes to Hometown部分每点适当发挥至少两句;



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