



(  )26. How old was Rick when he became interested in computers?

A. He was 5.          B. He was 6.

C. He was 8.          D. He was 12.

(  )27. What’s the name of Rick’s website?

A. People of My Age.

B. Football OK.

C. American Football.

D. Anything Possible.

(  )28. How long does Rick work on his website every evening?

A. Three hours.        B. Four hours.

C. Seven hours.        D. Nine hours.

(  )29. What’s the Chinese meaning of the word “website”?

A. 地址             B. 网络

C. 博客             D. 网站

(  )30. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. A schoolboy and businessman

B. Rick’s school life

C. How to make a website

D. Rick’s future work


One day someone left the gate(大门) of Mr Ward’s house open. Later Mr Ward couldn’t find his dog Maggie. He looked around the neighbourhood for her. Then he saw Maggie running up the street in front of the school. She was carrying a lunch bag in her mouth.

“I see you’ve been to school,” Mr Ward said as he looked at the bag in Maggie’s mouth. “Give me the bag,” Mr Ward said. Maggie quickly dropped the bag. “Good dog,” Mr Ward said. He noticed that she had not opened the bag.

Mr Ward looked inside the lunch bag and saw a boy’s name. He thought for a moment and had a good idea. He hurried home with Maggie and wrote a note. Then he took the bag and the note to the school office. This was what the note said:

Dear Tom,

This morning I was out looking for bones, and I found your lunch bag outside the school. It smelled very good. I tried to bring it home, but my owner(主人) said it belonged to you. I am a big black dog.

Yours truly,


(  )31. Read these events(事件) in the story. Then answer the question.

Maggie disappeared(不见).→Maggie carried a lunch bag.→__▲__→Mr Ward wrote a note.

Which of the following can be put in __▲__?

A. Someone left the gate open.

B. Mr Ward took the bag to school.

C. Mr Ward found a boy’s name.

D. Mr Ward looked for Maggie.

(  )32. What was strange about the note in this story?

A. Maggie thought it was good to eat.

B. It looked as if Maggie wrote it.

C. It was written to Tom.

D. It was written very quickly.

(  )33. What does the underlined word “bones” mean in Chinese?

A. 野草                B. 骨头                C. 大蒜                D. 洋葱

(  )34. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Mr Ward knew who Tom was.

B. Mr Ward’s house was near the school.

C. Maggie listened to Mr Ward.

D. Maggie carried the lunch bag home.

(  )35. What is this story mainly about?

A. A dog ran away from home because she was hungry.

B. A man found his dog playing in a school playground.

C. A man wrote a letter to a boy who found his dog.

D. A dog found a lunch bag and her owner returned it.


Miss Xie is a teacher of a school in Kangding. She has taught for three years. Many people asked her why she gave up ( 放弃) the better life in a big city. Miss Xie always answers them like this: Everything here is so clean. All the children are lovely and hope to learn something. I know they need me.

Before she came to this school, Miss Xie was a music teacher. She is good at playing the piano. But this school didn’t need music teachers. In the past( 过去的) three years, Miss Xie was a Maths teacher and an English teacher. When it needed Chinese teachers, she became a Chinese teacher. She bought many Chinese books and taught herself Chinese from the beginning. Then in class she tried to teach her students.

More and more children come to this school to study. Miss Xie is very tired but she never complains ( 抱怨) about it. She is happy that her students are good at their lessons. She said she would like to stay here for a long time.


(  )36. Many people don’t understand Miss Xie.

(  )37. In this school, Miss Xie taught the students music very well.

(  )38. Miss Xie began to teach Chinese because she was also good at Chinese.

(  )39. Miss Xie is very busy with her work, but she likes it.

(  )40. Miss Xie hopes to teach in a big city in the future.

Ⅳ. 词汇运用(10分)

A. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。

41. Sally often helps her mother wash the d_______ after dinner.

42. It’s impolite to shout in p_______. Don’t do that again.

43. The teachers always c_______ our homework in class.

44. You should take part in all kinds of a______ after school.

45. All the students are preparing for the English e______.

B. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

collect     person     wrong     mend      reporter

46. You shouldn’t ask a foreigner any ________ questions.

47. That boy has a great _______ of toy cars.

48. Tom finished _______ the computer and he went out of his room.

49. Sorry. Your answers are _______. Please correct them.

50. There are lots of _______ about endangered animals in the magazine.

Ⅵ. 完成句子(10分)


61. 现在很多人对野营感兴趣。

Now lots of people ________ _________ _________ camping.

62. 别挂电话, 他马上来了。

________ _________ _________, please. He’s coming right now.

63. 因为大卫不善于交友,所以他经常感到孤独。

David often feels lonely because he isn’t good at ________ _________ _________ others.

64. 明天我们一起去滑冰吧!

Let’s go skating ________ _________ tomorrow.

65. 昨天露西用零用钱买了本书。

Lucy bought a book with her ________ _________ yesterday.

Ⅶ. 书面表达(15分)


Dear Mary,

Everyone has his own dream for the future. ___________________________

You should know that your future is in your hands. Try your best!

Good luck!


Li Hong


1-5 BBCDA         6-10 DBCBC     11-15 DAACB

16-20 CADCB     21-25 BDAAC

26-30 CBBDA      31-35 CBBAD     36-40 TFFTF

41. dishes          42. public    43. check     44. activities      45. exam

46. personal         47. collection 48. mending   49. wrong       50. reports

51 fruit            52. need      53. melons    54. enough       55. much

56. peaches         57. else       58. grapes    59. phone           60. invite

61. are interested in       62. Hold the line    63. making friends with                          64. all together       65. pocket money

One possible version:

Dear Mary,

Everyone has his own dream for the future. I know that you want to be a famous film star like Zhang Ziyi. You often watch her films and even dream to meet her some day. I can understand you, but you have spent too much time on them, and you don’t want to study now. I don’t think it’s right because you are still a student. You should work hard to learn more and then you will have a chance to be like her. You should know that your future is in your hands. Try your best!

Good luck!








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