



Surveys show that about 90% of junior high school students use QQ. Their QQ spaces(空间) tell a lot about their personalities.

Three students are showing off their QQ spaces here. Let’s see how different their QQ spaces are!

Cool and popular  12, Shenzhen:

“Being cool” is my lifestyle. You can find only two colors in my QQ space: black and white.

You can also find lots of cool things in my zone like magic tricks (魔术). I find popular magic trick videos on the Internet and put them on my QQ zone. Magic trick fans leave messages in my zone. We can discuss a trick and find out how it works. I also do magic tricks myself. It makes me popular with girls.

dreamy poet  13, Beijing:

I like dreams(梦) and poems (诗歌). I’ve made my QQ zone a dreamy place.

My QQ zone is pink, the color of a dream. You can read beautiful stories there. I collected them from other people’s QQ zones. I also put touching (感人的) poems there. I hope my zone can give visitors a warm feeling.

Call me an adventurer  13, Anhui:

I love adventures (冒险). I’d like to live a different kind of life. In reality (现实), it seems I can’t. But in my QQ zone, I make my dreams come true by playing games like QQ Farm. I’m so happy when the vegetables and animals in my farm grow bigger. It’s also exciting to “steal”(偷) vegetables from my friends’ farms.

(  )61. From the passage, we can guess “dreamy poet” must be a ____________person.

A. wild         B. cool     C. emotional (感情丰富的)

(   )62. If you like  magic tricks, you can visit ________QQ space.

A. Cool and popular’s         B. dreamy poet’s

C. Call me an adventurer’s

(   )63. “Call me an adventurer” wants a ____________life.

A. dangerous    B. different      C. relaxing

( )64. The underlined word “personalities” may mean ____________.

A. 外貌       B. 性格     C.表情

(  )65. The best title(题目)of the passage may be ____________.

A. I want to be cool   B. My dream   C. My QQ space


五. 根据对话情景,填入恰当的短语或句子。(每空1分,共5分)

A: Hey, Peter,          66

B: I have a headache and I can’t move my neck.       67

Should I take my temperature?

A: No, it doesn’t sound like you have a fever.       68

B: I played computer games all weekend.

A: That’s probably why. You should        69         away from the computer.

B: Yeah, I think I sat in the same way for too long.

A: I think you should lie down and rest. If your head and neck still hurt tomorrow, then        70          .

B: OK, Thanks.



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