


Ⅴ. 情景交际。(5分)


A: Good morning, Xincheng Hotel. Can I help you?

B: Good morning,     76

A: OK. We have rooms with a bathroom, TV, refrigerator and air conditioning.     77

Also, from the windows you can see a beautiful park near our hotel.

B:     78

A: A standard room with two single beds costs ¥150 and a room with one single bed costs

¥120.     79

B: OK. I want to book two standard rooms with two single beds and one room with one single bed.

A: How long will you stay?

B: About two days.

A: All right. Two standard rooms with two single beds and one room with one single bed.

Please pay for the rooms before 17:30.    80

B: I’m Li Zhi and my telephone number is 8267-6936. Thank you.

A: You’re welcome.

A. They are very comfortable.

B. How many standard rooms do you want?

C. I want to make a room reservation.

D. Have a good time!

E. Your name and telephone number, please.

F. What about the price?

G. Sounds exciting!

76. __________ 77. __________ 78. __________ 79. __________ 80. __________

Ⅵ. 综合填空。(10分)


play, lessons, hours, rest, tired, strong, if, better, when, windows

During the day we work and play,and at night we sleep. Our body     81   when we sleep. In the morning we are ready to work and     82    again. Our body grows most    83   we are asleep. Children who are    84    usually need sleep. We can get better at our    85

after having plenty of rest. Boys and girls who are eight or nine years old need ten    86   of sleep every night. Our body needs plenty of air when we are asleep.   87   we do  not get enough fresh air, we will feel tired when we wake up.  While in bed we must not cover our head because our lungs need to get enough fresh air. If we open our    88   at night,we can have plenty of fresh air. Cool air is    89   than warm air. Boys and girls who want to be    90   must get plenty of sleep.

81. __________ 82. __________ 83. __________ 84. __________ 85. __________

86. __________ 87. __________ 88. __________ 89. __________ 90. __________


请以My favorite...(如sport, animal, movi e, book, story, star, friend, festival等) 为题,写一篇60词左右的短文。






My Favorite


现在是不是感觉威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家准备的初二年级英语下册期中试题很关键呢?欢迎大家阅读与选择!







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