




__________ __________ _________, he won the first prize.


________ _________ you, I got out of trouble.


We always ______ __ _________ my parents too much.


I can’t _______ __________ _________ my elder sister.


________ _________ __________ get into a good school, he studies hard.


A: Hello, Nancy! I need some help._____76______.

B: Hello, Mary ! What’s up ?

A: It’s my dog.____77_____ , but I can’t take it with me.

B: Yes, I think so.

A: So could you help me take care of my d og when I’m away?

B: _____78______ Could you tell me What I can do ?

A: OK. First , give him water and feed him. _____79______ Then play with him.

B: Oh, I see. Don’t worry! I can look after him well.

A: Thanks a lot!

B: _____80______ Wish you have a good trip!

76..__________ 77.__________ 78..__________ 79.__________80.__________

七、选词填空:选用八个词,用适当形式填空,每词限 用一次。(10选8) (8分)

Everyone needs to sleep. During the day you work and play,at night you sleep. Your body rests while you are__81____ . In the morning you are ready to work , study or play again. If you sleep ____82__ at night, you can work or learn better in the day.

Your body grows more while you are asleep. No one can live without sleeping. If a child is tired, he needs __83___sleep than usual. You will be tired or will not be able to listen to your teachers in class or can’t work well if you do not have enough sleep at night. A baby will cry __84___if you wake him or her up when he or she is sleeping. You will be able to work __85__      at your lessons if you __86___ enough rest . Many students hope to learn more before rests, so they study until __87__ at night. But they feel very tired in the day and they may forget more.

Boys and girls of eight or nine need ten hours of sleep every night. Get enough sleep if you want to be strong and __88___.

81.__________    82.__________    83.__________  84.__________

85.__________    86.__________    87.__________  88.__________

八、书面表达。(12 分)

你的朋友David 感到身体不舒服,请你根据以下提示内容,给他提一些建议,写成一篇短文。

提示: 1 他发烧并且喉咙(throat)痛。2. 应该去看医生。3. 躺下来休息一下。4 喝一些蜂蜜的热茶。5.应该多吃蔬菜和水果。6. 多运动(take more exercise ),保持健康。

(keep healthy)

句型:He should …../    He shouldn’t….

I’m sorry to hear that my friend David is not feeling well. He has a_______________________________________________








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