


威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家推荐了初二年级英语下册期中考试模拟真题,相信大家阅读之后一定会对大家的学习有帮助的。

第Ⅰ卷 (选择题 共75分)



1. A. Hi! I’m Mike.   B. Nice to meet you, Mike.  C. How are you?

2. A. No, thanks.   B. Yes, I like.     C. Yes, I do.

3. A. It’s delicious.   B. So am I.     C. Me, too.

4. A. That’s great!   B. Never.      C. Never mind.

5. A. Oh, well done.  B. That’s all right.    C. Use mine, please.


6. What’s the weather like now?

A. Cloudy.    B. Rainy      C. Windy.

7. What time is it now?

A. 04:55.    B. 05: 00.      C. 05: 05.

8. Who may be in hospital?

A. Sally.    B. Lucy.      C. Maria.

9. How does the woman like the music?

A. Terrible.    B. Boring.     C. Wonderful.

10. Where are the man and the woman?

A. At a train station.  B. At a bus station.    C. At an airport.


11. How many rooms does the man need?

A. One.    B. Two.      C. Three.

12. How long will the man stay here?

A. One day.   B. One night.     C. One day and one night.

13. Which room will the man live in?

A. 218, on the first floor.  B. 128, on the second floor.

C. 218, on the second floor.

14. How much will the man pay?

A. 45 dollars.   B. 55 dollars.     C. 90 dollars.

15. What’s the man?

A. A bus driver.   B. A taxi driver.    C. A tourist.


16. Where did the story happen?

A. In a club.   B. In a hotel.     C. In a restaurant.

17. What did the ladies usually do after the meetings?

A. Stood up and left.  B. had a meal together.   C. Drank some tea.

18. How many people in the world are hungry?

A. Half.    B. More than half.    C. Less than half.

19. How can we solve the food problem according to the story?

A. Try to control the population.  B. Try to produce more food.

C. Give more food to the poor countries.

20. What can we know from the story?

A. One woman is having a baby.  B. One day a man came and talked about food.

C. The woman who said at last is very clever.


二、单项选择( 共20小题;每题1分 )

1.Hobbies can make you        as a person.

A. growing   B. to grow      C. grow      D. grown

2.If it      fine tomorrow,we      a picnic.

A. be ; have  B. is ; will have  C. will be ; will have    D. will be ; have

3.Don’t forget       your homework after you get home.

A. do   B. doing    C. did   D. to do

4.His first novel       in 2009.

A. took out   B. came out   C. gave out  D. looked out

5.Tom is      honest boy.

A. a   B. an   C. the    D. /

6.         the end of this term, we will have a big party.

A. To   B. In    C. At   D. On

7.look at the lights in our classroom, please go and     .

A. turn them off   B. turn off them  C. turn it off  D. turn off it

8.You aren’t outgoing , so you’d better     others.

A. make a friend with  B. make friend with  C. make friends with  D. make friends

9.---My hobby is       old coins, what about you?

---In my free time, I like      in the park.

A. collected; painting  B. collects; to paint   C. collecting; to paint  D. collect; painting

10.Mary did’ t go to bed       everything was ready for the party.

A. when  B. if    C. because   D. until

11.What’s wrong       her plan?

A. with   B. in  C. on   D. for

12.As they get older, they continue      the hobby.

A. do   B. doing  C. did   D. are doing

13.I spend two hours       reading English every day.

三、on B. to C. for  D. in

14.Can you tell me what time        ?

A. Is the train leaver B. does the train leave  C. the train leaves   D. leaves the train

15.By the way , is there _______ in today’s newspaper?

A. nothing new   B. anything new  C. new something  D. new anything

16.Monday will be_________. ________bad weather it is!

A. rainy; What    B. rainy; What a   C. sunny; How    D. sunny; How a

17.It is important_______ you_______ out for a walk after supper.

A. of ; to go   B. to; to go   C. for; to go  D. for; going

18.Now many people are________ in playing_______ games on the Internet.

3.interested; interesting  B. interesting; interested;

C. interested; interested;   D. interesting; interesting;

19.Smoking will_______ your health.

A. be good for  B. good at   C. be bad for  D. bad at

20.---Could you please tell me something about your travel in Sydney?

A. Excuse me     B. It’s very nice pf you to say so

C. Certainly, I’ll be glad to  D. No, I don’t like it

三、 阅读理解( 20个小题,每个2分,共40分)


A man once had a dream about the Black Forest in Germany. In his dream he was walking in the forest when two men ran out and tried to throw him to the ground. He ran off as fast as he could,but they followed him. He reached a place where he saw two road in front of him,one to the right and the other to the left. Which road should he take?He heard the two men behind him, getting nearer, and at the same time he heard a voice in his ear. It told him to go to the right,and he did so. He ran on and soon came to a small hotel. He was received there kindly and given a room,and he was saved from the two men. That was the dream.

Twenty years later he was really in the Black Forest and , as happened in the dream long ago, two men ran out and tried to throw him down. He ran off, and came to a place with two roads, like in the dreams. He remembered the dream and took the road to the right. He soon reached a small hotel , was taken in, and so was safe. His dream of twenty years before had saved his life.

1.The Black Forest is ____________.

A. a place in Germany   B.  not a real place  C. Invented by the writer  D. a place in Britain

2.When he was walking in the forest,_________ran after him.

A  two dogs   B  two tigers   C two men     D  two women

3. Finally he came to_________.

A . a forest   B. another road   C. another dream    D. a small hotel

4. It was_____that saved the man's life 20 years later.

A a voice   B  the dream   C  someone else    D God

5. The story tells us that_______.

A a dream may come true some time later

B a dream is always a dream

C people should not believe their dreams

D people should always believe their dreams

威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的初二年级英语下册期中考试模拟真题,大家一定要仔细阅读哦,祝大家学习进步。






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