


Ⅵ.阅读理解 (20分)


It's sometimes reported that strange objects have been seen high up in the sky.These unidentified flying objects—UFOs have made a lot of people interested.Some of the reports about them are difficult to believe.Some have been explained in scientific ways,and others have never been explained.

It is not easy to decide whether a report is true or not.One report of UFOs came from a British plane on its way from New York to London in 1954.The British plane was flying over an island at 19,000 feet when the captain (机长) noticed that something was on their left and a little lower than their plane.It was about five miles away.

“It was not one object but several,” the captain said,“We saw one large and six smaller objects.I sent out a signal(信号) to report about them and I received the answer that the other planes were coming out to meet us.Before the planes arrived,the smaller objects entered the big object.The big object then became smaller and  moved away fast.”

36.Some ______ have been explained in scientific ways.

A.people       B.planes

C.strange objects     D.of the reports about UFOs

37.In 1954,a British plane met a UFO when it was flying from______to ______.

A.Ame rica;France     B.England;America

C.America;England    D.New York;a small island

38.The captain ______ and saw something on the lef t of their plane.

A.looked up    B.looked down    C.looked back    D.looked ahead

39.How many objects did the captain see?

A.Seven.     B.Six.     C.Five.     D.Only one.

40.The big object moved away because ______.

A.of some unknown reason     B.it was afraid of the plane

C.it had received a radio report    D.it had stayed long enough with the plane


Mary and Peter were having a picnic with some friends near a river when Mary shouted,“Look!That's a spaceship up there and it's going to land here.”

Frightened(受惊吓的) by the strange spaceship,all the young people got into their cars and drove away as quickly as possible except Peter and Mary.They were more curious (好奇的) than frightened.They watched the spaceship land and saw a door open,but n obody came out,so they went to look into it.In the centre of the floor,there was a lot of food.Peter followed Mary into the spaceship and did not hear the door close behind him.The temperature fell in no time and very soon the two young people didn't know anything.

When they came to themselves,they were surprised to  see that they were back by the river again.The spaceship had gone.Their car was nearby.

“What happened?”asked Mary.

Peter scratched (搔) his head,saying slowly,“Don't ask me.Perhaps we had a problem.Come on.It's time to go home.”

After driving about fifty metres,they found a thick wall made of something like glass stood in their way.On the other side of the wall,a few strange aliens were looking through the wall and reading a notice which,translated into (译成) English,said,“New comers at the zoo: a pair of earth villagers in their field with their house_on_wheels.”

41.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.It was Peter who saw the spaceship first.

B.The spaceship landed on the river.

C.All the young people went for the picnic by car.

D.When Peter went into the spaceship,Mary followed him.

42.What happened after Mary and Peter entered the spaceship?

A.They were asked to eat much food.

B.The temperature went up.

C.Someone they couldn't see knocked them down.

D.The spaceship flew away with them.

43.What can we learn from the end of the story?

A.Peter and Mary became villagers.

B.Peter and Mary were in another planet (星球) .

C.Peter and Mary went back home.

D.Peter and Mary visited the zoo.

44.The underlined part “house on wheels” means  “______” in this story.

A.car     B.space     C.wall    D.zoo

45.How did Peter and Mary feel when they saw the strange spaceship?They felt______.

A.frightened   B.surprised    C.amazed    D.curious

Ⅶ.任务型阅读 (10分)

Many people were waiting for the train.Some were reading newspapers,and some were saying goodbye to their friends.Dr Wang,Mr Li and Mr Chen were talking so happily that they didn't know the train was going to leave.Then the guard called loudly, “The train is going to leave.Hurry up,please.” The three men heard the call and two of them jumped on the train quickly before it moved.One was left behind.It was Dr Wang.He looked very sad.The guard came to him and said, “Don't feel sad. (A) The next train will come in_ten_minutes.” “I know,” Dr Wang said, “But it was my train.My friends only came to (B) see me off.”


46.Where were many people?


47.Who was going to take the train?


48.How were Dr Wang,Mr Li and Mr Chen talking?


49.就 (A) 句画线部分提问。


50.将 (B) 处译为汉语。




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