


Ⅷ.根据对话内容及首字母提示补全对话 (10分)

A: Hi,Gina!Why do you w______ (51) a hat?

B: Because I don't like my haircut.

A: What's w______ (52) with your hair?

B: It's short and ugly.

A: Let me have a l______ (53).Wow,you look so cool!You are smarter than b______ (54).

B: But it looks l______ (55) boys' hairstyle.I wear a hat so tha t nobody can see it.

A: But now it' s summer.It's too h______ (56) when you wear a hat.

B: What s______ (57) I do then?

A: I have an i______ (58).You could wear sunglasses instead of a hat.

B:Oh,no.I don't like to do that.

A: Then I t______ (59) you could wear a wig (假发).It is very p______ (60) now.

B: That's a good idea.

Ⅸ.词汇运用 (10分)


out of style call sb.up pay for keep out,the same ... as in style

61.I think we should ______ the dog ______ of the room.It's so dirty.

62.Lucy is of____________ age ______ Lily.They are twin sisters.

63.Forgive me to______you______so early.

64.Dresses may be____________one year and____________the next.

65.He ____________ the ticket to the movie last week and it cost him $35.


66.There is something w______ with my eyes.I want to see a doctor.

67.You must r______ the book to me tomorrow because I want to use it.

68.The boys enjoyed t______ on the Great Wall last Sunday.

69.We didn't begin our English class u______ eight o'clock this morning.

70.I'll be very excited if I can get a t______ to the 2012 London Olympic Games.

Ⅹ.书面表达 (15分)

学校的“English Center”是同学们练习英语的场所,这里的“Teenager Hotline”每天都能收到不少同学的咨询电话。作为热线的一名志愿者,请你根据当时的记录,首先说明其中两位同学遇到的问题,然后给一位同学提出具体建议并说明原因。 (词数: 80左右)

Student: Mary

Problem: There are so many rules in my family.For example,I have to do chores after school.

Student: Lucy

Problem:  Pet dogs in my neighborhood make the ground dirty.

Student: Tom

Problem: My parents want me to be a lawyer.But I want to be a pop singer.

Student: Mike,the captain of the school soccer team in Junior 3

Problem: I can't decide to play or not to play on the team.

We've got ma ny calls from teenagers.They have met different problems.____________








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