



Jack was ten years old and he was a very lazy boy. He didn’t like doing any work. He had to go to school. Of course, but he didn’t study hard there and tried to do little work. His father and mother were both doctors and they hoped that their son would become one, too, when he grew up. But one day Jack said to his mother,“When I finish school, I want to be a dustman(垃圾工).”

“A dustman?” his mother asked. She was very surprised. “That’s not a good job. Why do you want to become a dustman?”

“Because I would only have to work one day a week,” Jack answere d at once.

“Only one day a week?” his mother said, “What do you mean? And how do you know?”

“Well,” Tom answered, “I know that the dustmen came to work on Thursday every week, because I only see them on that day.”

(  )11.How was Jack at school?

A. He liked his school.          B. He worked hard at school.

C. He didn't study hard at school.  D. He tried to do much work at school.

(  )12.Jack's parents wanted their son to be a_________________________.

A. doctor       B. dustman         C. teacher       D. worker

( )13. Jack hoped to be a dustman because he thought ______.

A. that job was very important       B. dustmen worked only on Thursday

C.he could make more money.       D. that was a dirty job

(   )14. Jack's mother felt surprised at his hope of being a dustman, because

A. their son was too young to be a dustman

B. dustman worked only one day a week

C. it was hard to get such a job

D.that was not a good job

(   )15.What do you think of Jack?

A. He was not very clever.         B. He was very lazy.

C. He liked dustmen' s work        D. He didn't want to be a doctor



1.----When did you get __________ (marry)?   ----20 years ago.

2. She hasn’t _________ (get) her son’ s letter since three months ago.

3. It is an exciting film. All the children get          (exicting).

4. Computers are very   ____________ (use) to us.

5. The tired boy felt very sleepy about the ___ (mean) film, so he fell asleep in the end..

6. There are many places of ___ (interesting) in Suzhou.

7. Yao Ming is one of ___ (important) NBA players, isn’t he?

8. The costumes are so ___ (colour) that I can’t stop taking photos.

9.Some wild  animals may look fierce(凶猛的). But they are ____________(harm).

10. Bungee (蹦极) jumping sounds ____________(danger), don’t you think so?


11.Do you know the  ______________ (过去) of this middle school?

12.My uncle works in a shoe   _______________(工厂) in the north of China.

13.The fans _______(鼓掌)and screamed when the famous singer appeared on the stage.

14.My grandfather was born in the nineteenth _____________(世纪).

15.There is a big ______________(塔) between the two buildings.

16.Can you see a large  ________________(魔法) box on the teacher’s desk?

17.Can you see a little  ________________(羊羔) in the middle of the playground?

18.Please tell me the _______________ (经历) about your trip to Beijing.

19.Have you ever seen any         ____(鲸) in the sea, Mike?

20.The elephants waved to the students with their __________(象鼻).

C) 用所给词的适当形式填空。(每空1分,共5分)

foot,   shine,   bad,   twenty,   end

21. Tomorrow will be her ___________ birthday.

22. This street is ten __________ wide.

23. The old woman seems to have ___________ words to say.

24. The old man felt even _________ than yesterday.

25. Millie  wears a ________ dress today. She looks pretty.



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