



一1—5 DBBBC   6—10 ACCBB

二 11—15 ABABC    16—20 CDBAC

三21—25BADCD    26—30 DCBAB     31—33 CAD

四、1. danger .  2.protect   3.allows   4.research  5.scientist

五.1.  happened     2.  watering    3.  tenth     4.  excited  5.  Growing

6.  filled      7.  importance      8. planting          9  sadder

10.  wonderful

六、1. It allows people to get closer to them.

2. It’s sad to think of the pandas and other animals in danger.

3. Let’s find out what else we can do to save as many animals as possible.

4. Many wild animals don’t have a safe place to live.

5. Villages and farms are growing bigger and are taking away their land and forests.

6. There are only about 1,600 pandas living in the wild today.

7. In order to protect pandas in the wild, the government is setting up natural parks and developing other plans.

七、1. such as    2. important    3. C    4. without    5. 很明显没有动物人类不能生存。(意思对就行)


Today many animals are in danger. People always kill them or take away their land. The panda is one of the animals most in danger. They mainly live on bamboo. The area of bamboo is becoming smaller, so pandas have less and less land to live on. Baby pandas often die. The situation is becoming very serious. So we need to protect and save them. We can build enough nature reserves. Then pandas will have enough food to eat and enough place to live in.

Let’s try our best to save animals in danger!








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