




Last year, I bought a flower pot(盆). But I didn’t use it. Last week, I went to buy some flower seeds(种子). I planted the seeds in the flower pot. For a few days, nothing  1  (happen). But I went on  2  (water) the seeds. On the   3  (ten) day, I saw green sprouts (嫩芽). I was so 4  (exciting). I knew that I could make something grow!

5  (Grow) flowers is like growing happiness. Our lives are sometimes like the empty pots. Our days are  6  (fill) with lots of different things. However, we usually don’t do a lot of things just because they are of little  7  (important). We feel that something is missing.The missing things in my flower pot were seeds. The things that we may be missing in life are seeds of hope, love and dreams.

I planted many different flower seeds that day, because I know that the things produced are exactly what I have planted. This is the same as  8 (plant) things in life. Everything that is planted  inside my heart will grow. If I plant negative (消极的) thoughts inside my heart, I will only become sadder and  9 (sad) with each passing day. If I plant seeds of hope, I can expect 10 (wonder) things.

1. __________ 2. __________  3. _________  4. __________  5. ____________

6. __________ 7. __________ 8. __________ 9. ____________ 10. _____________


1.它允许人们更近地接触它们。(allow sb. to do )


2. 想起熊猫和其他濒危动物,真让人伤心。(It’s + adj. + to do)


3. 让我们看看还能做些什么来拯救尽可能多的动物。(as …as possible)


4. 许多野生动物没有安全的地方居住。(a place to live)


5. 村庄和农场越来越大,侵占了它们的土地和森林。(grow; take away)


6. 现在只有大约1,600只熊猫生活在野外。(There be + n. +doing)




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