




1. At last Mrs. Wang found her key in the p__________(口袋).         1. _____________

2. They were working in the  __________ (田地) when it rained yesterday.  2. _____________

3. The plane ________ (着陆) on the top of the building this morning.       3. _____________

4. Most tree leaves begin to _________ (下落) in October in the north.       4. _____________

5. I will _________ (跟随) you wherever you go.                        5. _____________


Over a river there was a very narrow (窄的) bridge. One day a goat 1._______________ (cross) this bridge, just at the middle of the bridge he 2.________ (meet) another goat. There was no room for them to pass.

"Go back," said one goat to the other. "There is no room for both of 3. ______ (we)."

"Why should I go back?" asked the other goat. "Why don’t you 4._______ (go) back?"

"You must go back," said the first goat, "because I am 5._____   (strong) than you."

"You are not bigger than I." said the 6._________ (two) goat.

"We will see about that." said the first goat, and he put down his horns (羊角) 7.__________ (fight).

"Stop!" said the second goat. "If we fight, we will both 8.________ (fall) into the river and be drowned (淹死). Instead, I have a plan--1 shall lie down, and you may walk over me."

Then the wise goat 9.________ (lie) down on the bridge, and the other goat walked lightly over him. So they passed each other, and 10._______( go) on their ways.

1. _____________ 2. _____________  3. ___________  4. ____________ 5. _____________

6. _____________ 7. _____________  8. ___________  9. ____________ 10. _____________



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