



Dear editor,

My name is Henry J. Coll. I am writing to you because I had a very unusual experience (经历) yesterday. Here is the story:

It was cloudy. Early in the morning, it rained heavily at first, but later everything was calm and we could find a little bit of sunshine through the clouds sometimes. My cousin and I were sitting in the sitting room, watching TV and talking. My father was surfing the Internet in the study (书房) and my mother was cooking in the kitchen. At about 12 o’clock at noon, my cousin and I got up from the sofa and walked to the kitchen to find something to eat. Suddenly a ball of fire, as big as a soccer ball, came through the kitchen window. It was making a very loud noise and it hit one of the kitchen walls. The bricks (砖) of the wall chattered (碎裂) everywhere. But there was a big hole (洞) in the wall and we smelt (嗅到) something burned (烧焦). We went back to the living room to check computer, we found it was burned and we also found the TV smoking and burned too. All of us stood there, looking at each other. We had a great loss (损失) and we felt upset. What a bad day!



(   ) 25. Why did Henry write this email message?

A. He wanted to know something about the newspaper.

B. He wanted to tell the newspaper about his experience.

C. He had some suggestions for the newspaper.

D. He had some problems and wanted to get some advice from the newspaper.

(   ) 26. Which word can’t describe the weather that day?

A. cloudy   B. rainy     C. sunshine    D. snowy

(   ) 27. The underlined word “upset” means _________.

A. excited     B. interested       C. unhappy       D. happy

(   ) 28. What is the right order of the following happening?

a. The bricks chattered everywhere.

b. A ball of fire came through the window of the kitchen.

c. They went to check and found things burned.

d. There was a big hole left in the wall.

e. Henry and his cousin went to the kitchen.

A. e-b-a-d-c     B. e-d-b-a-c       C. b-a-d-e-c       D. b-d-a-e-c



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