


(    )16. Mr Bean enjoys        jokes and often makes us       .

A.to tell, to laugh   B.tells, laugh    C.telling, laugh   D.telling, laughing

(    )17. Jim decided ______ to the Mount Wutai last month.

A. go         B. to go         C. going       D. went

(    )18 --Sally, how often do you use the Internet ?     -_________.

A. Twice a week   B. Three hours   C. Two years ago   D. This afternoon

(    )19.- —Do you think March is __________ than January?

—Yes, it’s __________ warmer.

A. better, a little   B. well, much   C. worse, very   D. nicer, quite

(    )20 __________do you watch TV every week?

--Less than two hours. I often have much homework to do.

A. How many   B. How much   C. How long   D. How often

(    )21 .Tom studies _______. He _______plays with his friends.

A. hard; hard   B. hardly; hardly   C. Hard; hardly   D. hardly; hard

(    )22. _________you don’t give up(放弃),your dreams will come true.

A. As long as   B. As soon as   C. As well as   D.As often as

(    )23. Eating fruit and vegetables ________ our health.

A. is good to    B. is good     C.is good for     D.are good for

(    )24. If you want to be healthier, you must eat ____ junk food, I think.

A. more    B. less    C. fewer    D few

(    )25. I try ____ vegetables eleven times a week.

A. eat    B. eating    C. to eat     D. eatting

(    )26 A: How often does Lara play the trumpet?

B: _____ once or ________ a week, I’m not sure.

A. May be, twice  B. Maybe, twice  C. Maybe, two times D. May be, two time

(    )27. --I’ll give the boys _______ to eat.

--Oh, I know fish and salad.

A. something healthy B. healthy something C. anything healthy  D. healthy anything

(    )28. What _______ the differences between your habit and _____?

A. are, hers   B. is, his   C. does, her   D. do, his

(    )29. Tara and her sister         quiet and they          sports.

A. both are, both like        B. are both, like both

C. are both,both like        D. both are, like both

(    )30. I work as ______as my sister, so we both get good grades.

A. harder   B. hardest   C. hard   D. hardly



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