


Passage F 根据短文内容回答文后的问题,并把答案写在相应的位置。

We go shopping almost every day. We can choose many places to buy things. The supermarket is the right place for you. There are some good points (观点)about buying things at the supermarket.

★You can buy things at the supermarket at a low(低的) price. But you pay much more in a big store to buy the same goods.

★ You can decide what to buy all by yourself at the supermarket. And you don’t have trouble from the shop assistant(店员)at the big store.

★ There are more goods to buy at the supermarket. You can buy many things for a week’s use at a time. It saves your much money and time.

In a word(总之) , it is better to buy things at a supermarket than at a big store.


Advantages (优点)



A: Hi! Jim.

B: Hi!Mike.

A: I have two tickets for Kung Fu Panda this weekend.________________61_________________?

B: Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t..

A: What a pity! _____________62______________?

B: I’m going to visit my grandparents.

A: 63_________?

B: Twice a month.

A: How do you usually get there?

B: I usually take the bus.

A: 64 ____________________?

B: Sorry, I’ m not sure how far it is.

A: 65________________?

B:. It takes me about half an hour to get there.



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