



There are only two seasons in countries---the dry seasons and the rainy season .They are India , Vietnam and some countries in Afaica .It’s never cold there and it doesn’t snow .In the dry seasons it is as warm as in the rainy season . When it is the dry season , it doesn’t rain ay all. It’s very very hot .All grass and leaves in the trees are yellow .Animals and people are very thirsty .It is a very difficult time for them !When it is the rainy season, the rain doesn’t stop ; it rains day and night . There is a lot of water around ! Some animals likes it ,but some don’t.

There is a place where there are no seasons at all .It is the Antarctic (南极). It is very cold all the year round . There are no countries and no cities there. There are some village in the Antarctic .Who lives there? The people from all countries come there to learn about  the coldest place ,its animals and birds . But there are no trees , no flowers no fruit there ,no people can live there long.

(   )31. What’s the weather like in Vietnam ?

A. It’s very cold all the year round .         B .It’s never cold and it doesn’t snow.

C .It’s very cold and it snows all the year.     D It is never cold and it snows all the year .

(   )32.When is a difficult time for people and animals in India ?

A. The rainy seasons .  B. Spring .     C. The dry season.        D. Winter.

(   )33.Which of the following sentences is NOT true according to the passage .

A. The leaves on the trees are yellow in the dry season.

B. All countries in Africa have two seasons .

C. Some animals like  the rainy season.

D. There are some animals and birds in the Antarctic .



1. There are a lot of clouds today. It is going to  _____   (下雨)later on.

2. It will ______   (可能)  snow. You should put on warm clothes.

3. Look at the _______ (云)  in the sky. They look like some sheep.

4. It is often ______(多雪的) in winter in the northeast of China.

5. The wind is so_______(强壮的)  today that it’s difficult to walk.



Be sure to see this exhibition at the Lido Gallery. Amy Kim is __61__ (consider) to be one of the best - known Chinese photographers in the world today, and some of her most famous photos ___62___(be) in this exhibition. She really  __63___ (have) something for everyone. There __64__ (be) many great photos of the countryside. The few city photographs don't ___65____ (succeed). I ___66___ (see) the same things every day and they don't __67____(interest) me as much. But this show ___68___ (come) from a world - class photographer. Whatever you __69___(do),__70___ (not miss) this exhibition.

1. _____________ 2. _____________  3. ___________  4. ____________ 5. _____________

6. _____________ 7. _____________  8. ___________  9. ____________ 10. _____________



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