



It’s true that every country has its customs.

We all know that in America if people are pleased with you, they will give you a sign “OK”. But maybe you don’t know that people think this sign is rude in Brazil.

In Poland, guests usually choose flowers as presents for hostesses(女主人). Remember the number must be an odd one. And the hostess doesn’t hope that you remove the cover of the bunch(束)of flowers. You must be more careful when you give red roses to a woman because the red rose means love.

In China we often hear people say that “nodding” means agreement(同意). And “shaking the head” means disagreement. But in Bulgaria they mean the opposite.

We really need to pay more attention to the differences in customs. What’s more, we should learn more about them in order to avoid embarrassment (尴尬). Do remember: When in Rome, do as the Romans do.


1. How many countries are mentioned(被提及) in this passage?


2. What will happen if you give a sign “OK” to a person in Brazil?


3. Why must you be careful when you give red roses to a woman in Poland?


4. What does “shaking the head” mean in Bulgaria?


5. What is the meaning of the underlined sentence “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”?


八、写作 (15分)

假如你是王洪, 你的英国朋友迈克计划来一个中国家庭做客。他想了解一下中国的餐桌礼仪。请你给他发个电子邮件,向他介绍一下,70词以上。

Dear Mike,

I ‘m very glad to receive your letter. Here is some advice for you when you visit a Chinese family. _________________________________________________________________________








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