




A. What about you?

B. Do you like soccer?

C. What are you going to do today?

D. That’s why I like it.

E. Why don’t you like it?

F. Are you going home today?

G. I also hope Chinese soccer can have good grades one day.

A: Tom,           69

B: I’m going to watch a soccer game this afternoon.

A: Really?           70

B: Yes. I like it very much.           71

A: I don’t like it. And I can’t think of any reason why you like soccer, because Chinese soccer is very bad.

B:           72           . I think all Chinese people should give more love to Chinese soccer.

A: Yes. You’re right. And            73

VII. 用括号内所给词的正确形式填空,使句子语法正确,意思通顺。(每空1分,共8分)

74. You can see many ____________ (factory) in this city.

75 .They ____________(build) a new school in the village last year.

76. Thanks for your ____________(invite).

77. He ____________ (have) his own house next year.

78. Do you mind ____________ (open) the window?

79. He hopes ____________(be) a cook one day.

80. Look! There are some boys ____________ (play) basketball on the playground.

81. Tracy is ____________ (good) at English than before.



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