




Alice wanted to buy a gift for her mother for Mother’s Day but she didn’t have enough    41 . So she told her father about her    42    .

“I’ll give you some money if you do the housework. You need to clean the house,” her father said.

“You also need to    43    my car and Mom’s. You can see they’re really dirty. Both of them need a wash.”

Alice washed his father’s car carefully. “It is too    44   . You don’t have to wash your mother’s car. It is OK. ” Dad said when he gave the money to Alice at night.

But the next morning Alice still    45    very early. First, she washed her mother’s car    46    it was very clean. Then she went to the    47    shop and bought a bunch(束) of flowers. After breakfast Alice asked her mother to go to the garage(车库).

“Wow!” Alice’s mother said, “My car is gleaming(发光的).”

“   48    the door, mom.” Alice said. Alice’s mother opened the door. There on the seat she    49    a bunch of flowers. “Happy Mother’s Day!” Alice said. Alice’s mother was very    50   . She gave her a big hug(拥抱) and said, “Thank you, honey. This is the best gift for me.”

(   ) 41. A. money           B. time           C. homework         D. food

(   ) 42. A. reply            B. answer         C. problem            D. exam

(   ) 43. A. drive            B. wash           C. sell                D. accept

(   ) 44. A. late             B. early           C. traditional           D. common

(   ) 45. A. went to bed       B. got up          C. turned down         D. fell down

(   ) 46. A. if               B. until           C. after               D. when

(   ) 47. A. food            B. clothes          C. flower            D. computer

(   ) 48. A. See             B. Close           C. Clean              D. Open

(   ) 49. A. saw             B. bought          C. met               D. hung

(   ) 50. A. sad             B. nervous         C. happy             D. worried



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