Recently,a solar-powered (太阳能动力的) plane took to the sky for the first time. It passed an important test on the way to travel around the world.
The plane took off from an airport(飞机场)in Switzerland. It slowly rose above the fields and into the sky.
"There has never been an airplane of that kind that could fly—never an airplane so big,so light, using so little energy.” said Bertrand Piccard, a leader of the project.
During the 90-minute flight (飞行),the plane did several turns. It climbed nearly 1. 6 km above the countryside.
Engineers(工程师) plan to test a night flight(飞行)before July. Then they will use the results(结果)of the tests to build a second plane. They plan to travel around the world in that plane in 2012.
"We want to fly it day and nigh with no fuel(燃料),” Piccard said. Piccard and pilot (飞行员)Andre Borschberg will take the plane around the world. They will make a few stops to change places and rest after a long time in the air--and to show off their airplane.
The plane will fly at 70 km per hour on average(平均).That is faster than a bike and slower than a car. The pilots will keep the plane in the air for up to five days at a time.
( )16. The passage is probably taken from .
A. a postcard(明信片) B. a newspaper C. a comic book D. an advertisement
( )17. The solar-powered plane .
A. is big and heavy B. uses much energy
C. passed the first flight test D. will have a night flight after July
( )18. How long will it take the solar-powered plane to travel 140 km?
A. About a day and a night. B. About 5 days. C. About 2 hours. D. About 90 minutes.
( )19.Which of the following is NOT mentioned(提到) in the passage?
A. During the 90 -minute flight, the solar-powered plane reached a height of 1. 6 km.
B. The solar-powered plane is slower than a car and faster than a bike.
C. Maybe the solar-powered plane will fly with no fuel.
D. It took a long time to build the solar-powered plane.
( )20. The passage mainly talks about .
A. the solar-powered plane B. the speed of the solar-powered plane
C. how to make the solar-powered plane D. the world travel of the solar-powered plane
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