2015学年初二年级上学期英语试卷:Module 9 Population



Ⅴ.完形填空 (10分)

We sometimes call the lion “the king of the forest” , because it is stronger and more dangerous than other animals.It can __26__ faster than many animals and hunt the best.It is the highest animal in the __27__ food chain.

In the sea, the shark is one of the animals at the top of the food chain.It can swim faster than __28__ other sea animals, and it can use its big teeth to eat them.

What is at the top of the world's food chain?People are!We are not the biggest or fastest, but we are the __29__.We could not run faste r than cheetahs (猎豹), so we __30__ cars and now we can move the fastest.We could not fight better than lions, so we invented guns.Now we can hunt the best.

People's inventions are clever, but they can be __31__,too.For example, people built __32__,and now they make the air and rivers dirty.This can make terrible changes.Dirty rivers kill fish.__33__ bears cannot eat the fish.If we kill one part of the food chain, other parts will also die.Remember that we are a part of the food chain, __34__ we are in danger, too!If we protect animals, we are protecting __35 __!We could and we should do something for the world!

26.A.walk    B.swim   C.run    D.jump

27.A.sea     B.land    C.mountain  D.desert

28.A.most   B.another    C.any     D.more

29.A.strongest    B.cleverest    C.most special    D.most important

30.A.used    B.had    C.invented     D.made

31.A.interesting    B.dangerous    C.careful    D.helpful

32.A.factories   B.hotels   C.schools   D.hospitals

33.A.If    B.When    C.While    D.Then

34.A.and   B.so   C.but    D.or

35.A.ourselves   B.oneself   C.yourselves   D.themselves

Ⅵ.阅读理解 (30分)


Dolphins (海豚) are not fish but mammals (哺乳动物).They live in groups, and speak to each other in their own language.In this way they are like many other animals, like bees.But dolphins are very different from almost all land animals.Their brain (脑) is nearly the same size as humans', so they are the cleverest animals.And they live for 20 to 30 years.

But what does the dolphin look like?The dolphin has teeth, and eats fish.It can grow up to three and a half metres long.Its nose is very long.Like some other animals, the dolphin uses sound to find its way.They make sound to talk to each other and to help find food.We now know they don't use their ears to listen to the sound, but the jaws (颚).

Dolphins are friendly to people.They often save people in the sea.So many people like them.

36.What kind of animals are dolphins?

A.Fish.  B.Mammals.       C.Birds.     D.We  don't know.



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