



(    )21. There will be a heavy storm ___________ this evening.

A. with thunder and lighting            B. had thunder and lighting

C. had thunder and lightning            D. with thunder and lightning

(    )22. The students were in a great hurry ____________ the bus after school.

A. caught         B. catching          C. to catch                D. catch

(    )23. Tom was cleaning the room while Jack _____TV.

A. was watching   B.is watching         C. watches               D. watched

(    )24. It was very cold, he picked up sticks          , but sadly the house         .

A. to make a fire, caught a fire            B. to make a fire, caught fire

C. to make fire, caught fire               D. made a fire, caught fire

(    )25. Wolves will _________ their lives _________ the loss of the trees and forests.

A. lose, because    B. lose, because of    C. lost, because        D. lost, because of

(    )26. -----What do you call these animals ?-----We call them kangaroos . The structure of sentence is          .

A. S + V          B. S + V + DO        C. S + V + IO + DO       D. S + V + DO + OC

(    )27.When the flood was washing the village, people screamed         and ran          all directions.

A. in fear, with     B. with fear, in        C. in fear, in             D. with fear , with

(    )28. Diaoyudao is          the       of China .

A. in, south-east    B. on, south-east       C. to, west-south         D. in, south-west

(    )29. My mother often tells me to _____________when I am in trouble.

A. come down     B. slow down        C. calm down           D. get down

(    )30. We should do everything we can           the birds in danger .

A. protect         B. protecting          C. to protect             D. protected

(    )31. The floor is very dirty. Will you please _________?

A. to mop up it     B. mop up it           C. to mop it up          D. mop it up

(    )32.We should do exercises as ________ as possible to keep _________.

A. more, healthy    B. much, health        C. more, health          D. much, healthy

(    )33. The baby stops ________ as soon as he ________his mother coming into the room .

A.to cry, sees      B.crying, will see      C.crying, sees           D.to cry, will see

(    )34. Could you tell me         at the meeting?

A. what did he say  B. what does he say    C. what is he saying      D. what he said

(    )35. The sad mother sat on the ground,shouting         she was crying.

A. when           B. while             C. as                  D. as soon as

(    )36. It was too cold , so they made a fire           warm .

A. keep             B. to keep           C. keeping              D. kept

(    )37.There are  _______ visitors to the wetland park, and the number is becoming _______ now.

A. thousand of, larger and larger             B. thousands of, more and more

C. thousands of, larger and larger              D. thousand of, more and more

(    )38. -I hear that you went to see the film called “Life of Pea”, isn’t that boring?

-__________. It’s one of the most successful films .

A. Yes, it’s interesting.   B. Yes, it’s boring.      C. Not at all.            D. Of course.

(    )39. -I’m sorry I ______ my exercise book at home.   -Don’t forget _______ it to school tomorrow, please.

A. forgot, to take       B. left, to bring         C. forgot, to bring        D. left, to take

(    )40. The earthquake ______ when I _______some cleaning.

A. starts, was doing     B. started, was doing    C. was starting, was doing  D. starts, were doing



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