



一 单项选择

(  )1 Though there are _____ between them,they are still the best friends.

A different  B difference  C differences  D something different

(  ) 2 They _____ in the classroom,it seems that someon e is talking there.

A maybe  B may are  C may be  D may

(  ) 3 A(n) ______ should have a lot of knowledge about education.

A teacher  B doctor  C engineer  D cook

(  ) 4 ---Try your best ______ English and you will live more easily in America.

---Ok, I will.

A learn  B learning  C learned  D to learn

(  ) 5 ---Why was Hemingway good at writing stories?

--- Because he _____ writing them.

A held on  B got on  C kept on  D tried on

二 句型转换

1 I want to be an engineer when I grow up.(对划线部分提问)

______ do ______ want to be when _____ grow up?

2 I’m going to swim because I like exercising. (对划线部 分提问)

_____ _____ you going to swim?

3 He is practicing speaking English now .(用 this term 作时间状语改写句子)

_____ ______ going to visit _____ friends in America next  week?

5 we’d better make a weekly plan for schoolwork.(改为同义句)

We’d better make a plan for schoolwork ______ _______.

三 用方框内所给词填空。

With, run, join, meet, true, get, dance, do, improve, health

Hello,I’m Lucy. New Year is coming.,I’m going to 1_____ a lot of things next ye ar.First, I want 2_______ my Chinese , so I’m going to practice very often and talk 3______ my Chinese friends. Then I want to take part in the sports 4_______ ,so I’m going to play sports every day, such as swimming, 5_____ and so on. At the same time, I’m going to eat more 6_____ food.Next I want 7 _____ the dancing club, so I’m going to practice 8_______ tw ice a week .Finally,I want to get more experience.

I’m going to get a job. In that way I can 9______ more money.

I hope my New Year’s res olutions can come 10______

In the coming year.

四 完型填空

I’m sixteen now and I’m s tudying in a high school. I’m going to finish high school 1_____ two years, and then I’m going to go to college for four years. I’m going to study 2______ be cause after college I’m going t o work as a language teacher.’m  While at college ,I’m 3_____ going to take a computer course 4______

I’m going to use the computer in my work .Also, I’m going to play sports to keep 5______ at college. I really enjoy travelling ,so before 6_______ to work, I’m going to travel. To 7_______ the money to travel, I’m going to get a part-time job in a restaurant. I’m going to 8_______ my money for six months, and then I’m going to visit Egypt . I’m going to see the Pyramids and 9_____ a camel! Of course,I’m  going  to take lots of 10______ on my trip so that I can remember it.

(   )1 A before  B at  C in  D for

(    ) 2 A language  B math  C history  D science

(   ) 3 A too  B no t  C still  D also

(   ) 4 A but  B so  C because  D or

(   ) 5 A excited  B fi t  C  quiet  D calm

(   ) 6 A going  B starting  C leaving  D running

(   ) 7 A cost  B spend  C get  D take

(   ) 8 A lose  B look  C  save  D find

(   ) 9 A ride  B drive  C buy  D sell

(   ) 10 A books  B drinks  C subjects  D photos




初二年级英语第五单元试题:Do you want to watch a game show  



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