2016学年八年级英语上册测试题:Module 5



第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分 (85分)

Ⅳ.单项选择 (10分)

16.Qingdao is one of ______ cities in China.

A.the most beautiful   B.most beautiful       C.more beautiful  D.very beautiful

17.When ______ did you finish your homework last night?

A.in the earth          B.on the earth          C.in earth       D.on earth

18.—Have you ever seen the film Harry Potter and the Half­Blood Prince (《哈利•波特与混血王子》?

—Yes,it is a new film ______ David Yeats.

A.with                B.on                 C.by           D.at

19.—How old is your ______ sister?

—She is 17 years old.She is three years ______ than me.

A.elder; older            B.old; older         C.older; elder    D.elder; elder

20.This isn't your book,______?

A.is this                B.is it               C.isn't this       D.isn't it

21.I ______ there will be a basketball match next weekend in our school.

A.hear of                B.hear about         C.hear        D.listen to

22.Don't make the children ______ so much homework every day.It makes them ______.

A.do; sadly              B.did; happy       C.to do; sad      D.do; tired

23.Lily is ______ beautiful than Mary.

A.a lot many             B.a lot much       C.a lot more       D.a lot of more

24.The film 2012 is wonderful.Let's go to see it,______?

A.do you                B.shall we         C.don't you       D.aren't you

25.He's never sung a song in public,______?

A.is he                 B.isn't he         C.has he          D.hasn't he



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