



1. A small goldfish          about 4 grams.

A. weigh   B. weight   C. weighs  D. weights

2. Wang Fang put          the fire with a blanket and helped her neighbour         .

A. up; out  B. out; out  C. on; on   D. into; up

3. You are too busy, so you          keep any pets.

A. ought to  B. ought not to C. could   D. should

4. Look out! The knife is very sharp. You          cut your finger.

A. need   B. must   C. should   D. may

5. -Mum, may I go to the cinema?

-No, you can’t. You          finish your homework first.

A. can   B. may   C. must   D. can’t

6. We saw          elephant in the zoo.         elephant was from India.

A. a; The   B. the; An  C. an; The  D. the; A

7. Wang Fang is          of the five basketball players, but she plays very well.

A. thinner  B. thinnest  C. the thinnest  D. very thin

8. The old man always          thick glasses and works very hard.

A. puts on  B. takes off  C. dresses  D. wears

9. My brother is so fat          too much food and little exercise.

A. like   B. that   C. because  D. because of

10. Peter is friendly. He never          a bad word about anyone.

A. speaks   B. tells   C. talks   D. says

11. It’s wrong to          dirty water into the river.

A. throw   B. take   C. pour   D. rush

12. All the people should do their best          the work.

A. to finish  B. finish   C. finished  D. finishing

13. What kind of food is         , Chinese food, Japanese food or the western food?

A. most delicious B. more delicious C. the most delicious D. the more delicious

14. Listen! Can you hear the boy          in the next room?

A. to sing   B. sings   C. sang   D. singing

15. I’m 1.70 metres. Yao Ming is 2.27 metres. I am          Yao Ming.

A. as tall as  B. taller than  C. not as all as  D. so tall as



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