



It's very nice to have a twin brothers . They always do the   1    things , and they like the same things , too. For example, they like to   2    the same food.They like to wear the same clothes, and they spend their   3    time together. Sometimes I feel a little lonely,   4   I love being with them.

At first, it is    5    for people to tell them apart, but after a while they can do it. The teacher In school had a hard time. They put Mamoun and Mansour in different classes so they could know         6     they were talking to. Five summers ago, I couldn't tell them apart __7____ the back, but now one of them is a little bit   8   , It's hard to see , but there is just a little   9    .

They   10   love cars . Their favorite cars are BMWs and Mercedes. They like to drive a lot. They often take long drives to travel around the country.

(   )1、A、right        B、same       C、famous        D、healthy

(   )2、A、keep        B、study       C、eat           D、drink

(   )3、A、clean       B、early       C、quick          D、free

(   )4、A、and        B、but         C、so            D、if

(   )5、A、hard       B、easy        C、boring         D、tired

(   )6、A、where      B、when       C、who           D、why

(   )7、A、to         B、from       C、on            D、before

(   )8、A、taller      B、smarter     C、calmer         D、longer

(   )9、A、matter     B、advice      C、illness         D、difference

(   )10、A、all       B、both        C、each           D、every



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